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Quitters Day & Self Negativity Gone Wild

Core Article: Quitters Day & Self Negativity Gone Wild

Paragraph I’m Pondering: “Your inner growth is completely dependent upon…”

Powerful Affirmations to Inspire: “I am grateful for every success, “

Book Review: The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Self by Michael Singer

Cool Stuff: A leaf hack for crickets…

AI Info & Resources: If you’re tired of creating boilerplates or templates…

Quitters Day & Self Negativity Gone Wild

Have you ever felt like you let yourself down and then couldn’t shake those negative voices in your head?

Well, that’s what hit me this past week, and I’m sharing my story cuz I know you’ve probably been there too. 

Here’s my confession: I basically fell off the proverbial wagon.

Nope not to worry, it’s not the alcohol, wagon. I’m all good with my 8 yrs+ in recovery.

It’s the other wagon: “the beat Shannon up cuz she’s failing, and here’s why Shannon should feel horrible.” Do those negative voices try to attack you, too?

Let me start from the beginning. So now’s the time to grab your favorite beverage and tuck in with me…

I’ve mentioned this program a few times in my past eNewsletters that I’m doing with Mel Robbins, and I mentioned it in last week’s email.

I’m three weeks into my project (finishing my Soulful Marketing book!), and thought I had it all figured out…

I thought I passed Day 19 over 10 days ago without a hitch. 

Why is that day important?

According to all the research, Day 19 is called “Quitters Day.”

There’s a lot of research that says when people start projects, goals, changes, etc., the majority of them quit after 19 days!

I thought that was interesting cuz the last time I faced day 19. I overcame that urge to quit. And went on to finish that project on time. (That’s how you got my Soulful Marketing Manifesto. If you don’t have it, send me a note on the “contact” page, and I’ll send it over with my compliments.)

So I thought, cool, I got this. I’m not quitting…

Ummm, until I did…

Sort of…

Well, all hell broke loose in my business last week with some clients, and well… I fell off the proverbial project wagon. Ughhhhhhh.

Since this past Sunday, I have been a week behind in all the lessons, and I am trying not to beat myself up for falling behind. (I had to watch 6 videos to catch up!)

Have you ever had this happen to you, falling behind in something you promised yourself you’d do and complete? And then beating yourself up about it cuz you haven’t completed it?

The roughest part for me was thinking I was past this, and clearly I wasn’t. 

And then trying not to beat myself up for falling behind a week! Now I only have 14 days to finish my project, sheesh. I was not feeling good about myself at all in those moments.

So, what do you do when this happens?

Well, the old me would have taken several weeks to beat myself up, totally avoided it, and shoved all those feelings down deep, never finishing the project.

The new me, which I’m always working on, one day at a time…

I actually worked through those feelings of frustration and disappointment and let myself feel them. 

Here’s what I did, and you can do it too: 

  1. Use Breathing Techniques I learned from the Balance app.
    4 – 7 – 8 Breathing –
    You use this to calm your nervous system down and relax. I also use it if I’m having trouble sleeping. You breathe in with your nose for a count of 4. T

    Then you hold your breath for a count of 7, and then you breathe out through your mouth slowly to a count of 8. After doing this a few times, it signals your Amygdala and Vagus Nerve to calm down, so your heart slows, your pulse slows, etc.

    Slow Down Your Breathing – Start with breathing in with your nose and breathing out slowly with parsed lips. Do it at least 2 or 3 times. I close my eyes if I can.
  2. Use R.A.I.N., so those feelings wouldn’t drag my ass down the deep dark whole called “the zone of failure and shame.” I’ve mentioned this many times. You can access all about R.A.I.N. here.

Then I simply picked myself up, dusted myself off, and told myself, “It’s ok to feel like this, and it’s time for me to shift my thinking to a different mindset to lift me back up.”

Then I sat down at my computer and watched all 6 videos that I hadn’t watched last week. And boy, was that a surprise. Just like I said in my eNewsletter last week, I totally forgot some of these concepts, as well as others. I got much more out of these videos by watching them a second time.

It was then that I realized I was making things really hard for myself to get this project completed. 

Have you ever done that?

Gone down that rabbit hole of “nothing’s gonna go right today…” 

And “Why don’t things ever work out…” and more… 

It was self-negativity gone wild!

This had to be a turning point for me, or my project would never get done.

So, after watching all of Mel Robbin’s videos, I took these inspired phrases and made them my own. I wrote them on my trusty index cards and taped them to my computer monitor so I could see them EVERY day,  ALL the time.

  1. What if life is always working out for me?!!!”
  2. Embrace—Trust – Keep moving forward one step at a time.”
  3. Create an optimistic Mindset:
    How can I make this easy(ier)?
    What support, attitude, and planning do I need to have in place?”
  4. Start my Day with Intention & Celebrate My Wins!”

So MANY lessons, so little time.

I hope sharing my journey to “self-negativity gone wild” and back to a healthier Shannon is helpful. Whenever you experience this, you will have some more mindfulness tools to try.

In my next newsletter, I’m thinking about sharing more of these resources I’m learning to help you create more success and move through all the stuff that’s holding you back.

So, if this resonates, send me a note or leave a comment and simply say “yes!”?

And if you want more eNewsletters around this, let me know that too!

Thanks in advance for your reply!

Paragraph I’m Pondering

“Your inner growth is completely dependent upon the realization that the only way to find peace and contentment is to stop thinking about yourself. You’re ready to grow when you finally realize that the “I” who is always talking inside will never be content. It always has a problem with something. Honestly, when was the last time you had nothing bothering you? The bottom line is you’ll never be free of problems until you are free from the part within that has so many problems.”
~Michael Singer, The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Self

Powerful Affirmations to Inspire

  • I am constantly learning, evolving, and adapting, making me a more effective and successful entrepreneur.”
  • My creativity knows no bounds, and I am always discovering innovative ways to serve my customers and community.”
  • “I am grateful for every success, lesson, and experience, knowing they all contribute to my ultimate success.”

Book Review

Living Untethered: Beyond The Human Predicament by Michael Singer

Cool Stuff

  • Who knew that Campbell Soup owned the brand “Pop-Secret?” It used to be part of its “snacking division, and now it’s not. It sold the popcorn brand to one of my favorites, and I could eat several bags full of Popchips. (Its parent company is called Our Home.) How much was it sold for? Well, of course, that’s a SECRET! 😉
  • Fascinating photos of what fans wear to concerts these days… There are some pretty amazing outfits out there.  I wonder what people wear to Taylor Swift concerts?
  • Check out this leaf hack that crickets use to create a louder sound… hmmmm.

AI Info and Resources

Weekly Photos

Well, you might be able to tell I was a tad busy this week, so I did not have a lot of variety of pictures, mostly of Emma, yet I find them quite entertaining; I hope you do too.

  1. Emma loves to stare out into the backyard and watch the deer. I think this is her “Leave me alone, Mom, I’ve got deer to check up on.”
  2. This was pretty amazing, and I’m sad that the close-up of this picture didn’t come out well. When I blew it up, it was way worse. So here’s the original. It was early morning, and this owl kept following Emma and me on our walk. So I tried to take a pic, but it was just too dark. Maybe next time, Ms. Owl.
  3. This is Emma when there’s a thunderstorm outside. She goes under my very old and beat-up desk to hide out, so, of course, I had to get a pic.
  4. See if you can find Emma in this photo. Sometimes, she goes into the living room and hangs out.
  5. So many wonderful clouds from the thunderstorms. This is my favorite cuz you can see the sun rising with all her rays of sunshine coming through.
  6. This actually happened yesterday – a whole bunch of wild turkeys were walking down the street and decided to take a break for some food on our lawn. Umm, that’s a lot of turkeys. And they were somewhat camouflaged by the palm trees.
  7. This was an early morning sunrise photo with all the clouds left over. I just love looking at Shasta Bally peaking through the clouds in the early morning.

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