Clients & Customers,  Coaching,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Implementation,  Marketing,  Testimonials

The Best Way To Get New Clients —

Testimonials are THE best way you can sell yourself and sell your business AND ultimately get new clients.  And the beauty is you are not the one doing the selling, your customers are. And believe me there is no better way than to have other people sell you. Why?

Having testimonials will build your credibility and your believability.  They create support for you and your business. And if you have a great product or a service you totally deserve these kudos from having testimonials.

What are testimonials going to do for you?  Let’s say you have a prospect that is hesitant to buy or they’re nervous about giving you their hard-earned money. A great testimonial is going to overcome both of those issues.  It’s going to reduce their anxiety and create excitement for them to buy from you when they actually can see what you’ve done has helped others.

Is there a difference between feedback and testimonials? Yes. They do overlap and both are great for your business. However, feedback is a more informal way to obtain information on your product or services. Maybe you have a comment section on your web site or encourage your customers to send you comments via email. This information is always helpful to you with plans for new products or services and goals for the future.

Testimonials are more structured. There are certain elements crucial to a terrific testimonial.  Obviously they have to be believable, so you don’t want them to be too outrageous and too out there. They can address an objection. They can address the benefits of your products or services. They can be case studies. They can talk about your character or your personality. They have a specific outcome.

And about a specific outcome, I want you to be aware of the FTC guidelines that came out last year.  There are specific guidelines on how you can write your testimonials, especially if your testimonial is based on specific outcomes people have received by using your product or service.  I would totally recommend getting the report written by Peter Hoppenfeld about FTC testimonials. Read it and get to know it so you know better how to use testimonials in your business.

An obvious way to get testimonials for your business is to do a quick survey. Always ask for their full name.  My rule is ask for as much information as you can.  Their full name, their city, their state.  Ask for their website, their business name, if they have an occupation or their job title. The more information you have about your testimonials, the more believable they will be for you and for the people who read them.

Tune in next week to read about the different kinds of testimonials.

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