Creativity + Testimonials = Results
In a fast pace world of marketing, one of the best ways to stay ahead of your competition revolves around one word: CREATIVITY. So today I am going to show you how combining a little bit of creativity with your testimonials yields great results.
No matter where you are using your customer testimonials, you want to present them in a way that pops out to the reader. Be honest – how many of you have visited a website selling a product and you find at the bottom of the page a BUNCH of writing and small pictures? Now be honest again – because it is in a format that seems like “a lot to read”, you skip over it, right?
You do not want your potential customers to skip over a wealth of information that sings your praises. To help you out, I have created a list of creative ways to use your testimonials:
1. Put a Name with a Face
• By putting a picture beside a testimonial, it allows the potential customer to be able to relate especially if they are the same gender, race, age, etc.
2. Hearing is Believing
• Adding an audio clip or video gives the testimonial an additional level of believability. It allows the potential client to hear or see the exact emotion from the testimonial. Think about it – when you read something, it is hard to see how excited or disappointed a person is. This takes out all the guesswork and delivers a message with real emotion.
3. Visually Creative
• The best way to set up testimonials on a page is by putting them in a gray or yellow box. By taking the time to create a page that is visually appealing will bring in more clients and ultimately better results.
The most important thing to remember is to put your testimonials in a positive and appealing position on the website. You want to make sure the potential client is not just scrolling past them. Instead, they pop out and draw the potential client in to wanting to read what others have to say about you.
Tune in next week to discover how potential clients respond to testimonials.