Are You waiting for the perfect moment?
Have you ever been in a group of entrepreneurs where you meet regularly to connect about your business and also get the opportunity to do a hot seat about it?
I’ve been in several over the years, and the insights and ideas are pretty mind-blowing. My most recent group is one I look forward to participating in each month. One of the many reasons is that there’s no ego in the room. We all just show up, support each other, and give honest feedback that helps create some pretty amazing insights.
After being in the group for over 2 years now, there’s a theme that seems to always come up at various times with myself or other folks in the group…
It’s about what’s happening with you that you’re not implementing from your hot seat. (There’s also the other question – why haven’t you done a hot seat yet?!)
At its core – this is always a question I ask myself – “Am I waiting for the perfect moment to take action?”
If this resonates, then I go to the place of why I’m procrastinating, and then I write about it or ask for help from a mentor.
Next, I delve into—What do you need for it to be “the perfect moment?”
Knowing full well what’s underneath that rarely is anything rational. It’s usually wrapped up in self-worth, not feeling good enough, or fear of failure, or maybe even fear of success…
Has this ever happened to you?
Maybe you have your task list or project plan, and day after day, there’s that one thing that just keeps slipping off the list. You may say to yourself that there are more important things that you need to do, and you will get to them eventually. So, that “thing” just doesn’t ever get done.
I know this so well because, yep, confession here – “I do it too.”
Actually, I’m simply amazed at how I can seamlessly do anything for my clients and get it done on time and within budget. Yet, when it comes to MY business, I don’t hold myself to those same standards,
Do you do that as well?
So what gives? How can we change this? Do something different?
Here’s something that I love that I got from Shakti Gawain: she was an author, pioneer in personal development, and teacher of consciousness, writing over 18 books. This method below is from her daily meditation book Reflections In The Light.
This is a powerful method that can help you discover and begin healing your unconscious beliefs that lead to procrastination.
When something comes up, such as, why am I procrastinating over doing –fill in the blank here–?
Ask yourself these questions and write out your answers:
1. What emotion am I feeling right now?
2. What physical sensations am I feeling?
3. What old beliefs or tapes or old programming am I running in my head?
4. What is the worst thing that could happen when I do –fill in the blank here–?
5. What is the best thing that could happen?
6. What fear or negative belief is keeping me from creating what I want with –fill in the blank here-?
Then — Create an affirmation or positive statement to counteract and heal your negative belief.
For example, if your old belief is “I’m afraid I will fail,” the affirmation could be:
“I am open to new opportunities, and I won’t ever give up on myself.”
“I release all the old beliefs and create new, supportive ones.”
I love this technique, and she has so many more in her other books.
Let’s make a pact that we know there won’t ever be “the perfect time (or moment)” to create your program, course, website, book, promotions, etc.… And that’s okay.
Let’s not let that stop us from creating and putting things out into the world.
The world needs you and your brilliance.
Keep showing up every day doing what you love, and believe in yourself. And please know that I believe in you too. 🙂
Quote I’m Pondering:
“If you have great ambition, take as big a step as possible in the direction of fulfilling it, but if the step is only a tiny one, don’t worry if it is the largest one now possible.” ~ Mildred McAfee Horton, former President of Wesley College
Powerful Mantra to Inspire: From Tanaaz Chubb My Pocket Mantras
- I give myself permission to let go of what no longer serves me
- Things always have a way of working out for me.
Weekly Book Review:
When The Heart Waits: Spiritual Direction for Life’s Sacred Questions by Sue Monk Kidd
Weekly Photos:
This was a week of wildlife hanging out in our yard – fall is here. We had a family of turkeys, and also a family of deer that were just trotting down the street and ended up in our front and back yard.
Then we’re having these wonderful sunrises with so many clouds. And of course Emma, and her cute lil dog self is always here for a cuddle and a cute photo.