• Attitude,  Challenges,  Clients & Customers,  Communication,  copywriting,  Marketing

    What does a priest, a website, and a vacation all have in common?

    We finally took a vacation last week. And I still can’t believe our last vacation was our honeymoon when we married in June 2019! Since my spouse is in medicine, with the pandemic, we wound up staying put for the duration. We did take some day trips here and there. And there’s nothing like taking a full seven days off and just getting out of dodge… Since it was the first trip out, we decided to pick a place we could drive to for now. I’ve been to almost every state in the U.S. (And around the world twice – thanks to my 20 years in corporate). Seattle was the one…

  • Alchemy,  Attitude,  Clients & Customers,  Coaching,  Entrepreneurs

    What do you do as a business owner when …

    It’s been a week since all of the supreme court rulings, and since then, I’ve done some research. I was curious about how other businesses, influencers, and organizations would handle the information or if they would simply stay silent. This leads me to ask you… What do you do as a business owner when something happens in the world that affects you personally or your business? Do you say something? Before I get to that, you need to know that what’s trending in business is that people are more apt to buy from a brand that shares their values. This is good, especially if you’re running a service business like…

  • Attitude,  Challenges,  Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    It’s a Lil Difficult Sometimes…

    I so struggled a bit this week about what to write… (Highly unusual for me.) On the one hand, this is a marketing and launch weekly email where I focus on Marketing, Mindset, and Message. Yet, when the Supreme Court hands down a ruling to take away one of our Constitutional rights, it weighed heavier on me than I realized. it’s hard not to say something about it… AND, I also don’t want to make this into a pulpit for something that could be a hotbed of controversy, which is not what I’m about either… that’s not what you signed up for. How about I compromise… Let’s talk about a…

  • Clients & Customers,  copywriting,  Entrepreneurs

    27 Words that will help you attract your dream client

    I just finished a three-month copywriting course that pretty much blew me away. One of the reasons is that the person that created the course, Csaba Borzási, studied under all the copywriters I had and culled all that information into one course. Plus, he gave away some fantastic bonuses. I wanted to share one of these insightful bonuses with you in this week’s email. I am giving you the 27 words that will guide you to attract your dream clients and help propel your business. Before I share them with you, these words are not life-changing. Yet when you read them, it will make sense and help you in your quest to…

  • copywriting,  Marketing,  Procrastination

    Cures for the horror of the blank page

    I was doing some research for a book publishing client. One of the projects we’re working on is creating a brand new lead generator, and I’m writing the email follow-up sequence. In my research, I came across this quote from Ernest Hemingway: “Writing at its best can be a lonely life.”(As an aside, I’d highly recommend his memoir – A Movable Feast.) When you’re writing or doing anything creative – you’re spending a lot of time alone with your words and ideas. It can cause some anxiousness, overwhelm, and even writer’s (or creativity) block. It’s real – the anxiety of staring at a blank (or canvas, social media post, and…

  • copywriting,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing,  Product Launches

    Foolproof way to stop failing when it comes to launching new courses or products…

    Have you ever had an idea for a course, product, or even a membership? What happened? Did you ever create and launch it? What were your sales? Did you ever launch it? Or maybe your sales were disappointing – what happened? These are all questions I ask my potential dream clients. As an influencer, you probably have several terrific ideas. Yet often, follow-through can be challenging. And even frustrating. It’s not fun putting months or even years of your time into creating something and never selling it, or when you do, your sales are so low it’s sometimes soul-crushing. I know this because this is something I work with my…

  • Balance,  Coaching,  Motivation,  Productivity

    How to develop your second brain & get more done!

    Back in the fall of 2010, I had the opportunity to meet one of the greats of business and personal development. He’s written over 70 books, created over 300 courses, and is considered a top coach and consultant. His book was one of the first that I read when I started my business – Maximum Achievement (Others – Goals!,The Psychology of Selling, andChange Your Thinking Change Your Life.) I learned so much from him when I started my business. I was working for a client at his live event, and this man was presenting. I was thrilled when my client gave me the opportunity to meet and connect with this person. This man was…

  • Clients & Customers,  Entrepreneurs,  Implementation,  Marketing,  Product Launches

    Do you know this secret of why people buy?

    I was sitting on a Zoom call with a client brainstorming some email copy. She’s a Personal Lifestyle Designer and needed to get an email out to connect with her people about some offers and talk about summer clothing options. Memorial Day is coming up, and it’s a good time to connect with her list about upgrading their wardrobe. All the ideas she was coming up with were good, yet they’ve been done before. We needed to go deeper on an emotional level to really connect with her dream clients’ deepest fears, struggles, and desires. It was then that I started sharing some examples of how we could go deeper with…

  • Challenges,  Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Goals,  Overcoming Obstacles,  Productivity

    I have a confession to make…

    As I’ve said in many emails before – I truly do love to learn. It motivates me, and it’s even more inspiring to share what I learn with you and with my clients. This is where my confession begins – with my ABL (always be learning) attitude, I’ve bought a lot of online learning products over the years. Here comes the confession part – because of the above, there are quite a few courses that I’ve NEVER finished. THERE I said it. Whew. Am I alone in my confession? Have you ever bought any online learning products that you’ve not ever finished? Sometimes it’s kind of the worst feeling. Almost…

  • Clients & Customers,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Goals,  Implementation,  Technology

    Anticipation keeps me….

    Yep and an oldie song for sure by Carly Simon that will forever remind me of the Heinz Ketchup commercial – An-tic–ip–aaaaa-tion keeps me waaaaaiiittting….” How about you? Of course, there’s more to anticipation than just this song… I want to share with you some potential mind-bending thoughts about anticipation. Let’s start with this question – How well have you anticipated your dream client/customer’s online experience on your website? This can be a challenging one to answer because if you’re like most of my clients, you create an online dream client/customer experience like what’s below. You create your lead generator optin to build your list of dream clients/customers. Create your thank…

  • Alchemy,  Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Implementation,  Product Creation

    What 6 – 7 figure idea are you sitting on?

    We had a lot of activity at our house last week. It’s hard to believe we’ve already lived in the house for three months now! We had the shower glass guys replace the walk-in shower and we had the construction guys come and build my spouse’s new stained glass studio. (The shower door coming off was one of my posts a month ago – you can read about that post here.) (See the P.S. For the before and after shower pictures.) What was really cool about the studio is we bought it with a company called Tuff Shed. We ordered it to our specifications. Then they came out about 6 weeks later…

  • Alchemy,  Challenges,  Clients & Customers,  Coaching,  Goals,  Implementation,  Outcome,  Overcoming Obstacles,  Product Creation,  Taking risks

    What kind of help do you give your clients or colleagues?

    Have you ever worked with a client who had some specific things they wanted you to help them with and you weren’t sure these things would work? What did you do? 1. Did you go along with them and give them advice and simply do the work they wanted? 2. Or did you tell them their plan had some flaws and wasn’t as good as it could be, and you proposed to help them come up with an even better plan? Seth Godin recently mentioned this kind of help in his blog. The second option is actually rarer – and in fact, more useful. Plus, it’s a bit harder to do. You have…

  • Attitude,  Challenges,  Entrepreneurs,  Mystery,  Overcoming Obstacles,  Product Creation,  Taking risks

    By defying logic you can create incredible success – hmmmmm

    I love counterintuitive ideas and things that really get my mind spinning – much like a chew toy does for a dog… The one I want to share with you today is about how when you *defy logic. You can actually create some tremendous success. No, I’m not talking about feats of engineering or technology. I’m talking about the idea of perception vs. reality. And about alchemy and magic. Let’s say you think of a good idea for a business. And it’s really a good idea, one that others have done, yet, you’re going to turn that industry on its head. Yet, when you share the idea and if you start…

  • Attitude,  Coaching,  Productivity,  Questions

    The interesting secret of how Warren Buffett & Other great leaders create success

    Have you ever read any books or articles about great leaders like Gloria Steinem, Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs, or Ruth Bader Ginsburg? The one “secret” they and many other successful leaders have in common is the mindset that I LOVE — A.B.L. – Always Be Learning. This is a critical piece to creating a life you love – always be learning, growing, and being open to new ideas and new things, which leads to having a beginner’s mind. Have you gone to a live event or virtual event, and you’re sitting there listening to a speaker, and your mind says, “Oh, they’re not saying anything new. Go check your email and pretend…

  • Attitude,  Coaching,  Goals,  Motivation

    Throwback to 2012 – living authentically

    This week I’m going to throwback to an earlier post I did in 2012 – 5 Steps to Daring Greatly and Living Authentically, where I talked about my experience of meeting Brene Brown when she was on Katie Couric’s DayTime TV Show that’s since been canceled. On this show, she interviewed Brene Brown on the launch of her then-new book – Daring Greatly. This was right at the start of her trajectory as an author and speaker. It was an amazing experience being in the audience, then meeting and connecting with her backstage (I knew the Supervising Producer for the show.), and having her sign my book. I’m sharing this post again because the message about authentically…