• Clients & Customers,  Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Implementation,  Marketing,  Motivation

    Busting the Magic Bullet Myth

    I don’t usually “bust” anything in these emails, and today is an exception. I’ve had several prospects take me up on my offer of scheduling a complimentary call with me this past few weeks. Honestly, I LOVE doing these calls. My favorite thing about these calls is for that hour. I can practice my listening skills and help someone with a significant challenge and give them at least one or more solutions to guide them to their answer. Another reason I love these calls is that it’s an opportunity to get access to my dream client and find out what makes them tick. Such as – what are they struggling…

  • Challenges,  Coaching,  Implementation,  Marketing,  Overcoming Obstacles

    The shower debacle – guides are essential!

    It’s hard to believe it’s already been six weeks since we’ve been in our house. And we definitely love it and the dogs too! We created a long term plan of some things we want to change and renovate. What we didn’t expect was that we’d have to do some now. On Sunday, I hear a yell from the bathroom for help. It’s my spouse who’s standing there, holding the shower door that had fallen off. I went in to help her and saw that the hinge had broken. So what do you do when that happens? Of course, you Google “fix shower door!” We found a shower glass replacement…

  • Communication,  Marketing,  Media,  Product Launches

    The land of green…

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day, and in some places, it truly is a celebration and can be a very “green” affair. How far would you go to create a marketing buzz around your next big launch? Well, Chicago goes to some pretty interesting lengths to dye the Chicago River that runs through the city each year a nice emerald green color. It’s a tradition going on for decades to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. Apparently, the plumbers union helped… read on and watch the video for more – Depending on the business you’re in, doing a communication or promotion around a holiday is a terrific way to connect with your audience. You can also create…

  • Challenges,  Communication,  copywriting,  Implementation,  Marketing

    Boots on the ground marketing…

    Have you ever done any “boots on the ground” type of marketing? You know, the kind that involves going door to door, or maybe setting up a table at a fair or a booth at an event? This type of marketing can be the most rewarding and yet the most exhaustive as well. The interesting thing to note is that when it’s done well, it REALLY works. What does done well essentially mean: In Your Marketing Materials – Take a direct response approach where you’re using these 5 elements of the sales message: Check out my friend and stellar copywriter Julie– Make sure you have defined your dream client(s) and where…

  • Challenges,  Entrepreneurs,  Implementation,  Technology

    Does this ever happen to you?

    Sometimes I sit at my desk, staring at my three computer monitors, wondering if everyone who has a business online struggles with the same issues… Like today, I’m trying to stay on top of my “subscriber” email box, so it doesn’t get to 12k emails ever again. Thank goodness for my new assistant, who’s been helping me keep it around 300 or so unopened… Before you jump ahead in thinking that my “Subscriber” inbox is out of control and how do I answer emails, etc.… You need to know that this email box is for all the products, services, newsletters, and lists I buy or subscribe to. So when I’m writing…

  • Attitude,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Mystery,  Taking risks

    Are you good at finding things?

    There’s been one thing that somewhat mystifies me, and that’s my ability to find things that are lost. I can’t really explain it, except when I can’t find something, there’s an inner voice that actually whispers to me where I can find that lost item. I know, I know, this may sound a bit crazy, and before you think that I hear voices, let me explain further… It’s been two weeks since we’ve moved to our new house, and one of our most used questions has been – “Hey honey have you seen the [insert name of item here]?” I thought we did a pretty awesome job at packing, yet,…

  • Goals,  Implementation,  Motivation,  Outcome,  Productivity

    This May Seem Counterintuitive & it Works…

    I’ve read a lot of books on productivity and getting more done. Check out the NOTES section below for some interesting resources that will help. What I decided to do when I moved last week was test my theory about productivity. If I gave the three guys who were moving us pizza, hinted at a good tip for a job well done, and took a break between moving houses, would they be more productive? This might seem counterproductive to you, especially knowing I was paying them by the hour. So it’d make sense to make them push through cuz why would I want to pay for them to take a break for lunch that…

  • Attitude,  Coaching,  Motivation,  Questions,  Risk,  Taking risks

    It’s Time to Change Your Stories

    What are the stories you keep telling yourself? You know, the ones when it comes to putting yourself out there in a big way to promote your business – “Oh, this won’t work. Someone else has already created something like this. I need to come up with a new idea.” Or “Who do I think I am trying to sell and promote this course? I don’t have enough experience.” Or “I can’t ask for $500. That’s way too much for this course. I don’ think they will pay it.” Can you relate to any of the above statements? It’s essential to pay attention to those thoughts that pop into your…

  • Challenges,  Implementation,  Motivation,  Productivity

    It’s Moving Day – Ready?

    My executive coach always shared with me how important it is that you have a plan for EVERYTHING. And she had a saying – “Planning promotes perfect performance.” Well, in this instance, I had a plan, yet, things came up as they do, which delayed some packing and other plans to get the house in order. What’s interesting is no matter how much I plan, it’s like our stuff keeps multiplying! I think it’s a phenomena that all people who are moving experience – am I right? Every time I turn around I see stuff to pack. I’ve been at it for the past 3 days, and now my brain is on…

  • Coaching,  Communication,  copywriting,  Entrepreneurs,  Goals,  Implementation,  Marketing

    Changing Your Perspective

    Thanks for all the comments last week on our fascinating adventure to buy a new home. All is well, we got into the house and doing some painting, and the official move is next week. It’s interesting how some specific things about buying and selling homes have changed because of the pandemic. Specifically, at closing, everyone being in the same room to sign all the papers and being able to celebrate afterward. Yeah, that won’t happen. We had a mobile notary who came over to the house, and we signed the mountains of papers, and after we were done – It just felt a little weird and anti-climatic. I knew…

  • Challenges,  Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Implementation,  Motivation,  Outcome,  Overcoming Obstacles,  Questions

    This is Not for the Faint of Heart

    Two weeks into 2022, it’s already proving to be somewhat of an adventure and not for the faint of heart. Interestingly, “Adventure” is my word for the year, and it didn’t disappoint. I like picking a word for the year that I use as my decision touchstone.  There was an excellent article in the NY Times if you want to discover more. I think I mentioned in an earlier email that we’re buying a house. It’s about 10 minutes from our current one. Or if I didn’t, well here you go … 🙂  Now that we’re nearly done with the whole buying process (We’re closing today.), it has been a…

  • Clients & Customers,  Coaching,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing,  Mystery

    Would you ever consider joining a cult?

    I know, a crazy question, right? Well… Of course, you are probably saying to yourself – “No way, that’s kind of crazy. Who in the right mind would join a cult?” Yeah, I know, I hear you, and I agree with you. Yet, let me share some interesting myths about cults with you: Most people think that those who join cults are not very intelligent or have psychological problems. Ummm, nope, that’s not correct. Believe it or not, most people who join cults are very intelligent and are psychologically sound. People knowingly join cults – Most people don’t or wouldn’t ever join a cult. What usually happens to them is like a frog…

  • Balance,  Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Goals,  Implementation,  Motivation,  New Year,  Outcome

    Happy 2022 – What’s Next?!

    We did it – we made it into another new year! I have to admit it wasn’t as smooth a ride as I’d hoped.  How about you?The year had some major ups and downs (like when I injured my back), and the end of the year was a wee bit bumpier than I had expected… Yet, my spouse and I survived – intact and with no virus….  I’m not sure how I didn’t come down with the virus because I had some work at the Disney Parks in Orlando in early December and it was CRAZY. Hundreds of thousands of people were there, where masks were only required indoors.  Picture…

  • Entrepreneurs,  Marketing,  Product Launches

    To Be Like Retail or Not to Be…Hmmm

    Happy Holidays week (for those who celebrate Christmas.) Have you sat and pondered about the retail industry and how they’ve actually trained our human behavior? It is a subject that I’m constantly fascinated by. Why do we buy stuff? Back in the day when I lived in NJ, I went to the headquarters of Bed, Bath, & Beyond (BBB) to meet with a colleague. It was there that I truly saw what’s it like to run a business based on constant coupons and sales. I thought it was an interesting idea that they always had so many discounts. I always got my BBB coupon in the mail, which seemed like…

  • Attitude,  Challenges,  Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing,  Productivity

    What makes a perfect 10?

    Have you ever watched the Olympics Gymnasts and thought about what exactly makes up a perfect 10 score?  The reason I’m asking this question is that while my spouse and I were on an early morning walk, we got to talking about this.  I was sharing with her how I was making a ton of progress finishing the new guide I’m writing – Soulful Marketing Manifesto.She was curious about it, mainly because a manifesto is a document that declares and shares a new vision, approach of a new marketing movement. It sounds kind of serious, right? 🙂 As I explained my manifesto to her, it reminded her of a talk…