• Soulful Marketing
    AI - ChatGPT,  Challenges,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    From Waterloo to Worldwide: ABBA-Inspired Content Strategies :-)

    This Week’s Highlights: Core Article: From Waterloo to Worldwide: ABBA-Inspired Content Strategies 🙂 Cool Stuff: What in the world is Barkatechture? (You gotta see it!) AI Info & Resources: See How Hellman’s Mayonnaise is using AI – it may get you to nod and think, “ahhhh, interesting…” From Waterloo to Worldwide: ABBA-Inspired Content Strategies 🙂 I’m baaaack from a pretty amazing adventure, and oh, what an adventure it was… yet, that’s not why you here, to listen to me extol my vacation adventures… (If you are interested, check out my FB posts.)  So you’re here – yay – and I want to share some fascinating insights from my journey at…

  • Shannonmcc.com
    AI - ChatGPT,  Challenges,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    Lessons From A Potential TikTok Ban In The U.S.

    This Week’s Highlights: Core Article: Lessons From A Potential TikTok Ban In The U.S. Cool Stuff: Does the UK Really Have More Redwoods Than California? AI Info & Resources: Getting AI to Sound Human… Lessons From A Potential TikTok Ban In The U.S. The possible ban of TikTok in the U.S. has been at the top of the news lately. The funny thing is that a colleague was just coaching me on how to use the platform and gave me some interesting templates. I even created my profile. Right after that, this potential platform ban was in the news, so I halted my plans. I was already a bit uncomfortable being on TikTok…

  • Ripple Affect from Soulful Marketing
    AI - ChatGPT,  Attitude,  Clients & Customers,  Coaching,  Communication,  copywriting,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    The Ripple Affect

    Have you ever had a seemingly small interaction that simply left an impact on you? A few weeks ago, at the United Club in the San Francisco airport, I ran into the chef who creates the recipes for the club’s food.  Despite being in a hurry, I took a moment to share with him how much I liked their new breakfast spread of cold-soaked oatmeal with fresh fruit and other healthier alternatives. His face lit up, and we had this wonderful connection over a shared love of cold-soaked oatmeal. Then he shared his favorite cold oatmeal recipes (if I wanted to try them at home) and how he likes to…

  • Breaking through barriers
    Attitude,  Challenges,  Clients & Customers,  Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    Chipping Away Your Barriers to Success

    This Week’s Highlights: Core Article: Chipping Away Your Barriers to Success   Cool Stuff: How does the world’s largest cruise ship feed 10k people? AI Info & Resources: What the Media Gets Wrong About AI Chipping Away Your Barriers to Success   What if you were taking a class I offered and were going to get a grade after you completed it? When I started the class, I announced that everyone started with A.  All you needed to do was complete the exercise and what was on the syllabus, and you’d get an A. What possibilities would it open up for you, knowing you got an A before you even started the…

  • Different Kind of Gratefulness Journey
    AI - ChatGPT,  Attitude,  Challenges,  Entrepreneurs,  Mindset

    Let’s embark on a different kind of gratefulness journey…

    This Week’s Highlights: Core Article on Mindset: Embarking on a Different Kind of Gratefulness Journey Cool Stuff: The One Question Bill Gates Would Ask A Time Traveler More Cool Stuff: The 10 Most Valuable Brands – Fascinating to see the shift from tangible companies to intangible… AI Info & Resources: Are you a cat person? Good news, they’re still smarter than AI 🙂 Embarking on a Different Kind of Gratefulness Journey You’ve heard me talk about gratefulness before and how important it is to cultivate on your entrepreneurial journey… And today, we’re going down a different path to gratefulness. I’ve just spent the last 52 days doing a most amazing exercise that’s shifted my…

  • Mission Value Driven Projects
    AI - ChatGPT,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing,  Product Launches,  Taking risks

    It’s time to team up – Are you ready?

    Before You Dive In – Some Highlights For You: Core Article: Teaming Up – Go Nike & Dove! Cool Stuff: Happy Leap Year – Feb 29 only comes around every three years. Here’s why… More Cool Stuff: Along with an oldy but goody—Steve Jobs introduced the first iPhone in 2007 (It’s the original video. Kinda of cool. In a back-to-the-future kind of way!) AI Info & Resources: You asked for it — More Prompts and advanced ways to use AI It’s Time to Team Up – Are You Ready? Back in December, Nike and Dove teamed up to launch the “Body Sport Confident” program. Its mission is to support girl’s confidence in sports. What…

  • Soulful marketing
    AI - ChatGPT,  Clients & Customers,  Communication,  copywriting,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    In a world of algorithms, hashtags, and followers…

    So many things have been swirling through my head since I got back from our trip to Jackson, WY.  Being away and realizing my age (as referenced after our snowmobile tour when I was so tired afterward that Alice and I barely made it through my birthday dinner!) has stirred a lot up from my past and things I’d forgotten…  After I got home, I spent the holiday weekend going through some of my old writing and photos in hopes of inspiring me to organize. What I found interesting was how many quotes I had collected over the years. And this was before personal computers, so I either wrote them…

  • soulful marketing decisions
    AI - ChatGPT,  Challenges,  Entrepreneurs

    Tools, Trees, and Guides, oh my!

    This week is just a simple email – as Alice and I are away for my birthday in the snow-covered landscape of The Grand Tetons and Yellowstone.  Last week, as we were preparing for our trip, we had a big, bittersweet decision to make. Honestly, when are big decisions ever easy? So much to consider, plan, and decide. (Thanks to my wonderful friend and colleague Kim DeYoung, whose book, The Book of Choice, and her course helped immensely.) When we moved to our home on the hill, close to the mountains, we fell in love with the 3 redwood trees in our front yard. Growing up in Louisiana, it’s a tree…

  • Shannon McCaffery
    Attitude,  Challenges,  Clients & Customers,  Entrepreneurs,  Goals,  Mindset,  Motivation

    Aligning Your Work & Life with Your Deepest Values

    Let me tell you a quick story – (Adapted from Melody Beattie’s More Language of Letting Go.) Two monks were walking along the sidewalk during a heavy rainstorm. They came across a nicely dressed young woman stranded because she couldn’t cross the street without getting soaked.  One monk, without hesitation, picked her up and carried her over the puddles to the other side of the street. The other monk was furious that he did that. They have a vow of celibacy and not having contact with women. The monk who carried the woman replied: “I left that girl back on the corner. Are you still carrying her?”  At the heart…

  • Crushing on my AI
    AI - ChatGPT,  copywriting,  Entrepreneurs,  Implementation,  Marketing

    I think I have a crush on my AI… Ummm

    Ok, so…. first off – it’s not what you think… It’s more of a first-grade crush, you know, when you met your first friend, and they were incredibly kind to you. Maybe they even shared their snack or played jump rope or hopscotch with you on the playground…(yeah, I’m that old 😉 Who knows what kids are playing on the playground these days…. Ahhhh, and I digress… Back to my crush… Here’s what happened: I have been using ChatGPT for several months now. And I ended up paying the $20 a month, and I have to say, it is well worth it. So, if you’re not following what’s happening in…

  • Soulful Marketing
    Attitude,  Clients & Customers,  Coaching,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    Authentic Curiosity & The Beginner’s Mind: Embracing A Soulful Marketing Approach

    I want to share with you something that’s more than just a concept. It’s a transformative approach in the marketing world – it’s about embracing authentic curiosity and the beginner’s mind, especially when it comes to Soulful Marketing.  This is about diving into what makes your marketing genuinely resonate and connect with your dream clients on a deeper level. Have you ever attended a workshop or event, and the speaker got up there and started talking about a topic, and your mind immediately shut down and didn’t pay attention to the rest of the presentation? This used to happen to me. The more experience I accrued in marketing, my mind…

  • Shannon McCaffery
    Attitude,  Communication,  copywriting,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    Remembering, forgetting, and remembering again…

    Have you ever had the experience of remembering something, then going to write it down, and you forget? Then, later on, do you remember it? Or maybe you’ve written a blog, eGuide, or email, and you go back and read it and don’t remember writing it? Yep, the aging mind is fascinating and frustrating at the same time… Something like that happened to me this week, yet it was a bit more profound. And I’m sharing it to help reignite the inspiration that may be buried within you, perhaps forgotten, and that can certainly be remembered again… After the holidays, I’ve been trying to tidy up the house and reorganize…

  • Redefine success with your writing
    Attitude,  Challenges,  Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Goals,  Mindset,  Motivation,  New Year

    Let’s Redefine your success in 2024: Insights, Connection, and Inspiration Await!

    And just like that – poof – it’s the New Year – Welcome 2024! How are you? How were your holidays? I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately. I decided that this year, I would dig deep into the well of my experience and learning. I will pull out all the stops to inspire, encourage, and propel you to success, whatever that looks like for you. To be honest, I’m not entirely sure of what it will all look like over the next 12 months. I can promise you that it will be the most valuable stuff I’ve delivered to date. My focus is on Soulful Marketing principles (authenticity, engagement, and…

  • Moments Count
    Attitude,  Coaching,  Mindset,  Motivation

    Make Every Moment Count

    What are you thinking right now? Are you here and present with me? Or is your mind somewhere else? Maybe you’re thinking about your holiday to-do list or your action list of what needs to be done before the New Year. It is so easy to get sucked into the “busyness of life.” Especially during the holidays when emotions and stress are high, and family is involved. So how can this holiday be different? For me, it’s working hard on not getting sucked into being attached to the outcome. It’s also about staying flexible in the moment and going with the flow. And making every moment count, especially the little…