Aligning Your Work & Life with Your Deepest Values
Let me tell you a quick story – (Adapted from Melody Beattie’s More Language of Letting Go.) Two monks were walking along the sidewalk during a heavy rainstorm. They came across a nicely dressed young woman stranded because she couldn’t cross the street without getting soaked. One monk, without hesitation, picked her up and carried her over the puddles to the other side of the street. The other monk was furious that he did that. They have a vow of celibacy and not having contact with women. The monk who carried the woman replied: “I left that girl back on the corner. Are you still carrying her?” At the heart…
I think I have a crush on my AI… Ummm
Ok, so…. first off – it’s not what you think… It’s more of a first-grade crush, you know, when you met your first friend, and they were incredibly kind to you. Maybe they even shared their snack or played jump rope or hopscotch with you on the playground…(yeah, I’m that old 😉 Who knows what kids are playing on the playground these days…. Ahhhh, and I digress… Back to my crush… Here’s what happened: I have been using ChatGPT for several months now. And I ended up paying the $20 a month, and I have to say, it is well worth it. So, if you’re not following what’s happening in…
Authentic Curiosity & The Beginner’s Mind: Embracing A Soulful Marketing Approach
I want to share with you something that’s more than just a concept. It’s a transformative approach in the marketing world – it’s about embracing authentic curiosity and the beginner’s mind, especially when it comes to Soulful Marketing. This is about diving into what makes your marketing genuinely resonate and connect with your dream clients on a deeper level. Have you ever attended a workshop or event, and the speaker got up there and started talking about a topic, and your mind immediately shut down and didn’t pay attention to the rest of the presentation? This used to happen to me. The more experience I accrued in marketing, my mind…
Decluttering Life: More Than Just Physical Space
Remembering, forgetting, and remembering again…
Have you ever had the experience of remembering something, then going to write it down, and you forget? Then, later on, do you remember it? Or maybe you’ve written a blog, eGuide, or email, and you go back and read it and don’t remember writing it? Yep, the aging mind is fascinating and frustrating at the same time… Something like that happened to me this week, yet it was a bit more profound. And I’m sharing it to help reignite the inspiration that may be buried within you, perhaps forgotten, and that can certainly be remembered again… After the holidays, I’ve been trying to tidy up the house and reorganize…
Let’s Redefine your success in 2024: Insights, Connection, and Inspiration Await!
And just like that – poof – it’s the New Year – Welcome 2024! How are you? How were your holidays? I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately. I decided that this year, I would dig deep into the well of my experience and learning. I will pull out all the stops to inspire, encourage, and propel you to success, whatever that looks like for you. To be honest, I’m not entirely sure of what it will all look like over the next 12 months. I can promise you that it will be the most valuable stuff I’ve delivered to date. My focus is on Soulful Marketing principles (authenticity, engagement, and…
Make Every Moment Count
What are you thinking right now? Are you here and present with me? Or is your mind somewhere else? Maybe you’re thinking about your holiday to-do list or your action list of what needs to be done before the New Year. It is so easy to get sucked into the “busyness of life.” Especially during the holidays when emotions and stress are high, and family is involved. So how can this holiday be different? For me, it’s working hard on not getting sucked into being attached to the outcome. It’s also about staying flexible in the moment and going with the flow. And making every moment count, especially the little…
Connecting with your dream clients on a deeper level…
Early on in my career, I had no clue about writing direct response copy. I pretty much just winged it. (Yeah, I know… And I was a journalism major, so I did have some writing experience. 🙂 Then, later on, writing better, more impactful copy became one of my core goals, and I invested in several writing courses and mastermind groups over the years. I wanted to get really good at communicating and reaching my dream clients. If you do nothing else in your business except this, it will be time and money well spent. The main reason is that some core markets are becoming incredibly crowded with competition – you…
Do You Measure the Gap?
Something that’s been ingrained in me from my dad and my mentors has always been setting my goals for the year. The one thing that always tripped me up was how I measured my success. I always did that based on the goals I accomplished. Often, I found myself being perpetually dissatisfied with my progress because I wasn’t accomplishing all of them. Some of my goals just felt so big and too far away to achieve them. What I didn’t understand is that the problem wasn’t in my success at achieving the goals. The problem was how I measured them. The challenge is that you can be so busy looking at…
The Magic of Becoming Creatively Unstuck…
Have you ever been stuck, like writer’s block kind of stuck? And honestly, that phrase doesn’t quite fit for me cuz I’ve not ever had writer’s block. What I’ve had is a block in working more in my business. Have you ever struggled with that? I am top-notch when it comes to running everyone else’s business. In fact, I truly love working with my clients and being behind the scenes when it comes to helping them however I can with launching their business into the stratosphere. So why sometimes do I lack motivation when it comes to my own business and doing more than just one-on-one client work? This thought…
Rampage of Gratefulness, Appreciation & Blue-Skying
Today in the U.S., we’re celebrating Thanksgiving. I love this time of year when friends and family get together to share a meal (or a feast), gratitude, and connection with each other. This leads me to my fascinating adventure of this past week, where the topic was “the future of possibility.” It came up more than 3 times this past week. And as the Universe works in mysterious ways, none of them were planned… The first was a class about “Choices” that I talked about earlier in the month, where the topic was imagining a future choice I wanted to make. For me, it was about finishing my book. It…
This lil bugger has invaded my space…
So this happened… Earworms have invaded my space this week… Yep, this is a bit of an unusual topic. Surprisingly, earworms have a bit to tell us about messaging and mindset. Quick refresher: earworms are when you get a fragment of a song or a tune that literally can come out of nowhere (when you least expect it) in your head, and your mind starts humming or singing along. Sometimes even out loud. What I find fascinating is that scientists have studied this, showing how powerful our memory is with music.”(Interesting tidbit – if you put information to music, it can even help you remember facts and details more easily.) Did…
Have you ever mapped out your business and life choices?
I’m currently in a 6 week inspiring and thought-provoking class taught by my good friend Kim DeYoung. The class is called “Choice Confident.” She teaches you how to use questions to map out all the important choices in your life, which she calls “Choice Mapping.” This is based on her book – The Book Of Choice: Mapping the Life You Want by Understanding the Life You Have. The class and her book are fascinating tools. She puts your choices into three categories: Proactive, Professional, and Personal Choices. Last night, we talked about professional choices – specifically work relationship choices. (You can also map out past, present, and future choices too.) All the questions…
You Are The Guru You’re Looking For….
Countless times, I’ve had people come to me in a flurry of frustration, having spent a lot of money on an expert or guru and they didn’t have any real results to show for it. That totally frustrates me too. Being a marketer in business for as long as I have, I’ve seen it all. And I definitely feel for them. It frustrates me because out of the many marketing experts out there, not all of them have the integrity, authenticity, and honesty that you deserve when working with them. There’s also something else that happens. Maybe you stumble across an expert/guru, and you end up buying all their courses…