• conneting with clients on a deeper level
    Attitude,  Clients & Customers,  Communication,  copywriting,  Marketing

    Connecting with your dream clients on a deeper level…

    Early on in my career, I had no clue about writing direct response copy. I pretty much just winged it. (Yeah, I know… And I was a journalism major, so I did have some writing experience. 🙂 Then, later on, writing better, more impactful copy became one of my core goals, and I invested in several writing courses and mastermind groups over the years. I wanted to get really good at communicating and reaching my dream clients. If you do nothing else in your business except this, it will be time and money well spent. The main reason is that some core markets are becoming incredibly crowded with competition – you…

  • Balance,  Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Goals,  Motivation

    Do You Measure the Gap?

    Something that’s been ingrained in me from my dad and my mentors has always been setting my goals for the year. The one thing that always tripped me up was how I measured my success. I always did that based on the goals I accomplished. Often, I found myself being perpetually dissatisfied with my progress because I wasn’t accomplishing all of them. Some of my goals just felt so big and too far away to achieve them. What I didn’t understand is that the problem wasn’t in my success at achieving the goals. The problem was how I measured them. The challenge is that you can be so busy looking at…

  • Attitude,  Challenges,  Entrepreneurs,  Mindset,  Motivation,  Overcoming Obstacles,  Procrastination

    The Magic of Becoming Creatively Unstuck…

    Have you ever been stuck, like writer’s block kind of stuck? And honestly, that phrase doesn’t quite fit for me cuz I’ve not ever had writer’s block. What I’ve had is a block in working more in my business. Have you ever struggled with that? I am top-notch when it comes to running everyone else’s business. In fact, I truly love working with my clients and being behind the scenes when it comes to helping them however I can with launching their business into the stratosphere. So why sometimes do I lack motivation when it comes to my own business and doing more than just one-on-one client work? This thought…

  • Attitude,  Challenges,  Coaching,  Mindset,  Motivation

    Rampage of Gratefulness, Appreciation & Blue-Skying

    Today in the U.S., we’re celebrating Thanksgiving. I love this time of year when friends and family get together to share a meal (or a feast), gratitude, and connection with each other. This leads me to my fascinating adventure of this past week, where the topic was “the future of possibility.” It came up more than 3 times this past week. And as the Universe works in mysterious ways, none of them were planned… The first was a class about “Choices” that I talked about earlier in the month, where the topic was imagining a future choice I wanted to make. For me, it was about finishing my book. It…

  • Earworm
    Attitude,  Challenges,  Entrepreneurs,  Mindset

    This lil bugger has invaded my space…

    So this happened… Earworms have invaded my space this week… Yep, this is a bit of an unusual topic. Surprisingly, earworms have a bit to tell us about messaging and mindset. Quick refresher: earworms are when you get a fragment of a song or a tune that literally can come out of nowhere (when you least expect it) in your head, and your mind starts humming or singing along. Sometimes even out loud. What I find fascinating is that scientists have studied this, showing how powerful our memory is with music.”(Interesting tidbit – if you put information to music, it can even help you remember facts and details more easily.) Did…

  • Attitude,  Balance,  Challenges,  Mindset,  Motivation

    The #1 Struggle Most Entrepreneurs Don’t Know that they have…

    Someone reached out to me last week and needed some help with their business. They’re not getting many leads from their website and are spending money in many places, and nothing seems to be tracking. Hmmmmm. That’s always a puzzle that I’m ready to jump into action to figure out what’s really happening. What’s interesting is how, over the years, my process of helping clients has evolved. Often times when someone comes to me, they think they know the issue and may have ideas about how to fix it. Yet, after our conversation, I discovered that’s not the real issue at all. It’s something totally different. So, let’s back up –…

  • Mapping Out Your Choices
    Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Mindset,  Overcoming Obstacles,  Procrastination,  Productivity

    Have you ever mapped out your business and life choices?

    I’m currently in a 6 week inspiring and thought-provoking class taught by my good friend Kim DeYoung. The class is called “Choice Confident.” She teaches you how to use questions to map out all the important choices in your life, which she calls “Choice Mapping.” This is based on her book – The Book Of Choice: Mapping the Life You Want by Understanding the Life You Have. The class and her book are fascinating tools. She puts your choices into three categories: Proactive, Professional, and Personal Choices. Last night, we talked about professional choices – specifically work relationship choices. (You can also map out past, present, and future choices too.) All the questions…

  • Entrepreneurs,  Motivation,  Uncategorized

    You Are The Guru You’re Looking For….

    Countless times, I’ve had people come to me in a flurry of frustration, having spent a lot of money on an expert or guru and they didn’t have any real results to show for it. That totally frustrates me too. Being a marketer in business for as long as I have, I’ve seen it all. And I definitely feel for them. It frustrates me because out of the many marketing experts out there, not all of them have the integrity, authenticity, and honesty that you deserve when working with them. There’s also something else that happens. Maybe you stumble across an expert/guru, and you end up buying all their courses…

  • Attitude,  Clients & Customers,  Entrepreneurs,  Mindset,  Motivation

    Why did you start your business? (Or why are you working where you do?)

    When I first started my business back in 2006, it wasn’t because I wanted to go out on my own. I was incredibly scared and a bit freaked out. I spent all my life in corporate America. In fact, I had been laid off unexpectedly 2 years earlier and failed miserably as an entrepreneur. So I went back to corporate, and honestly, it was ok. Yet, I felt it in my bones, I was definitely not living my life purpose. There came a point when I was just kind of done with being an employee. So, when they laid me off in 2006, I knew I had to make a choice.…

  • Entrepreneurs,  Procrastination

    If you ever procrastinate – this will help! Open up :-)

    I had an interesting procrastination discovery moment this week that I wanted to share with you. Let me give you a little background first for context—I’m working on another big launch. This one is an affiliate launch. We have over 50 affiliates that will be promoting our launch to their email lists. When you do this type of launch, you need to give your affiliates all the promotional materials they will need to create a successful launch for everyone. This includes creating social media graphics, email copy, and more. One of the free lead generators for the launch is a trailer video that’s about 5 minutes long. (The other three…

  • Entrepreneurs,  Implementation

    Inspiration to Create Your Own Manifesto

    Let’s talk about manifestos and how they could be a perfect way to inspire you, your staff, or your team to make a huge difference in the last quarter of this year. You might be thinking that manifestos are just reserved for people who are trying to create a political revolution to overthrow governments. How is that even relevant to my business? Well, I will get to that in a minute. First, I thought it might be interesting to give you the top 5 manifestos that you may have heard of or maybe not thought of as a manifesto: Here’s the definition of Manifesto from Meriam Webster: “A manifesto is a public…

  • Product Creation

    Discover the hidden secret(s) in your business…

    I know, I know, you might be thinking, “Geez Shannon, what’s with this gimmicky email header about hidden secrets that sounds more like clickbait?” Yeah, I get it and to be totally honest, I did want you to open my email :-). Yet, it was more about me thinking…. That in my 17 years of running my business with hundreds of clients, almost all of them always had some fascinating piece of content that they had forgotten about, or worse, didn’t think it had any value. Heavy sigh. So I thought it was high time that I addressed this big elephant that’s hidden away in either a drawer, file cabinet (yes, I still…

  • Entrepreneurs,  Procrastination

    Are You waiting for the perfect moment?

    Have you ever been in a group of entrepreneurs where you meet regularly to connect about your business and also get the opportunity to do a hot seat about it? I’ve been in several over the years, and the insights and ideas are pretty mind-blowing. My most recent group is one I look forward to participating in each month. One of the many reasons is that there’s no ego in the room. We all just show up, support each other, and give honest feedback that helps create some pretty amazing insights. After being in the group for over 2 years now, there’s a theme that seems to always come up at…

  • Attitude,  Motivation

    What separates highly successful people from anyone else….

    I just came across another terrific article from Inc.com. They always have good combos of business, marketing, and uplifting short reads that are clickbait worthy. They often talk about Warren Buffett (who just turned 92) and what separates highly successful people from everyone else. It’s something that you probably already know. And it’s definitely something that’s at the core of Soulful Marketing — His classic quote says it all: “In the world of business, the people who are most successful are those who are doing what they love.” ~Warren Buffett The big question for you is — “Are you doing what you LOVE for Income?” And if you’re not doing what you love,…

  • Marketing

    The Best Marketer of the Year Award goes to…

    You might have guessed this answer if you read my email from last week… 🙂 (And thanks for all the kind comments – appreciate you!) This woman is simply on FIRE – Taylor Swift. Congrats on almost breaking the internet with your ticket sales to your live concerts, and now for breaking massive movie ticket records. Holy cow… what a force! Broke Movie Records – With her Eras Tour Concert Film – In the first 3 hours that pre-order tickets were available – AMC says their sales topped 26 million. And that was just one theater chain! Movie studios didn’t know this was coming, forcing them to move their release dates away…