• Entrepreneurs,  Marketing,  Technology,  Website

    Best conversion tips for your website

    A few weeks ago, I had a colleague reach out to me and wanted my thoughts on a new website that she had just launched for her mom’s business. I always find it curious and fascinating to look at new websites. Especially when it’s someone I know, and I have a bit of a backstory. I’m always happy to look at people’s websites because I can give some actionable feedback after looking at the home page for only 1 – 2 minutes. (As an aside, if you ever want me to look at your site, schedule a complimentary call with me, and I will give you some actionable feedback on it.) Creating a website…

  • Challenges,  Clients & Customers,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing,  Outcome,  Product Launches

    The launch that simply wasn’t

    Have you ever launched a course, product, or service and felt like you worked your tail off, and then the big day came……and it was crickets? A few trickles of sales came in, yet overall, it was a bit of a disappointment. Well, this happens way more than you think. The reality is there are SO MANY VARIABLES you have to get right to create a significant amount of sales for a launch. Most experts don’t tell you that you’re more than likely to bomb on your first and even second launch. This is why, as a soulful marketer, I always want to be honest and give the truth about what…

  • Clients & Customers,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Implementation,  Marketing,  Motivation,  Outcome,  Product Launches,  Prospects

    The Final Fridge Adventure (Part 2)

    Last week I shared with you part 1 of my spouse and I’s fridge adventure. I shared with you some insights into the first two appliance stores we perused. And I gave you some takeaways of what to do and not do when it comes to your business and attracting clients. You can access it here. In this blog post, I want to tell you about the third place we visited to peruse refrigerators. It was a very different experience. This store was more of an upscale local appliance store. We bought our washer and dryer there, so we knew they were reasonably top-notch. And we like supporting our local businesses. As soon…

  • Challenges,  Clients & Customers,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Goals,  Implementation,  Marketing,  New Year,  Overcoming Obstacles,  Prospects,  Questions

    The fascinating adventures of Refrigerator Shopping… (Part 1)

    It’s the beginning of 2023, and for me, it’s been a bit of a rocky start – with my New Year’s Eve CVD positive test, the cyclone rain bombs (and it’s still raining btw). And, finally, getting my Mom on a plane home… It was the best of times and the worse of times… 😉 I’m doing as much self-care as I can and focusing on what I’m grateful for… And one of those things is you! That’s why I wanted to share with you my spouse and I’s fascinating adventure of shopping for a refrigerator. I promise there will be some interesting lessons that will apply to your business.…

  • copywriting,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing,  Prospects

    My Best Soulful Holiday Marketing Tips

    Earlier this week, I was on the phone with a client who said – “I cringe when I think about creating and sending out an email where I’m selling something this holiday.” She’s someone that just doesn’t like marketing or selling. That’s one of the many reasons why we’re working together. I totally get it when I tell folks what I do, and their immediate response is, “Oh wow, let’s connect cuz I definitely don’t like marketing and would love your help.” If you’re someone who’s just not into marketing or wants to be guided and learn a bit about how it can help your business – I’m here for you.…

  • Balance,  Clients & Customers,  Communication,  copywriting,  Marketing

    Have You Dropped This Ball?

    A few weeks back, I shared a story about our smoke alarms going off in the middle of the night. It prompted me to ask you, is there anything that’s beeping at you in your business that’s keeping you up at night? I had some terrific responses, and wanted to share one from Martie McNab, Show&Tales, who took this concept in a direction that I thought was worthwhile exploring in today’s email. She said, “…if we market our business like those fire alarms – infrequently, sporadically, and in the middle of the night, we won’t be known, liked, or remembered.” In the initial stages, when I interview potential dream prospects, this…

  • Challenges,  Coaching,  Communication,  copywriting,  Entrepreneurs,  Goals,  Implementation,  Marketing,  Overcoming Obstacles,  Product Creation,  Product Launches,  Taking risks

    The Value of Having Another Perspective

    Before I get into today’s topic, I wanted to clarify something from a reader about last week’s blog, “Taming Your Brain.” I had mentioned that if I hadn’t been meditating for many years, I wouldn’t have been able to recognize or be aware of my thoughts to start changing them and taming my mind. The beauty of this is – that it was MY PROCESS. It took me a long time because of ALL the things I let get in my way, like my issues with alcohol, stopping meditating for a while, and more. Then in the past six years of being in recovery, and now my addiction to learning…

  • copywriting,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing,  Product Launches,  Prospects,  Website

    Best Copywriting Formula that will help you promote and sell anything

    Since I’ve been in business, I’m always searching for the best tool that can help me be a better entrepreneur AND help my clients as well. Over the years, I’ve collected HUNDREDS of courses, books, tools, tips, techniques, mindmaps, formulas, and more. And I do LOVE sharing what I learn in hopes it can help propel you onto more success in your work and your life. As I’ve talked about many times, I’m in the midst of taking several copywriting courses. And a fun fact, while in Las Vegas, I got to meet and hang out for the day with Parris Lampropoulus, who’s a legend in the direct response copywriting…

  • Alchemy,  Challenges,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing,  Media,  Product Launches

    Want some “magic” that will help you never to run out of content ideas???

    This week, I’ve got some music earworms in my head. First, it was Olivia Newton John’s “Magic – You’ve got to believe in magic – nothing will stand in your way….” Then, ”Do You Believe in Magic” by the Loving Spoonfuls. Did you know that there are over 60 songs about magic?! I discovered this Google fact when I visited my Mom in Houston last week. When we heard that Olivia Newton-John had died, my Mom wanted to listen to some of her songs… This was when I went down the rabbit hole of magic, earworms, and creating content… Just the word “magic” brings about all sorts of memories and…

  • Entrepreneurs,  Marketing,  Product Launches,  Uncategorized

    How to go from Idea to total market domination

    Have you ever had a pretty stellar idea and thought, “wow, this could be a winner, one that could help transform a lot of people as well as create some consistent income!” What happened next? Were you able to get it off the ground? Why not? Or what happened? Sitting here in my brother-in-law’s office on a very hot and humid day in Houston, TX, I’m faced these questions. Yet, it’s not about my work, it’s about my Mom…. I flew down here to Houston, TX, and because I needed to help my sister out by taking care of my Mom (and the two dogs and cat). She’s going to…

  • Challenges,  Communication,  Implementation,  Marketing,  Overcoming Obstacles

    Being too close to your business is when this happens…

    The last time I had a hot seat in front of a bunch of people was more than three years ago, and Jay Abraham was there offering his insights. I’m not sure how I made it through those twenty minutes. The good news is my business has grown tremendously from that one hot seat – having Jay Abraham giving me some fantastic ideas was priceless. A week ago, I was on a group call with Chris Haddad for his copywriting class. I quickly decided to accept an impromptu hot seat on my sales copy for my new Soulful Marketing & Launch Accelerator program. Holy moly, for a split second, it brought back…

  • Challenges,  Clients & Customers,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    Human Behavior & don’t do what BMW just did…

    I’ve been reading books about human behavior and marketing, my most favorite subject. It’s something I’ve always been fascinated about – human behavior and why people do what they do, specifically when it comes to marketing and why people buy. I almost got a degree in psychology and went on to explore more. Instead, with my dad’s encouragement, I decided to change my major to journalism/advertising and minored in psychology. One of the many books I’ve read (Alchemy by Rory Sutherland) talked about the issue of money and human behavior. When it comes to SPENDING money, that’s not a big issue. We know how to do that well. 🙂 And we spend money to…

  • Attitude,  Challenges,  Clients & Customers,  Communication,  copywriting,  Marketing

    What does a priest, a website, and a vacation all have in common?

    We finally took a vacation last week. And I still can’t believe our last vacation was our honeymoon when we married in June 2019! Since my spouse is in medicine, with the pandemic, we wound up staying put for the duration. We did take some day trips here and there. And there’s nothing like taking a full seven days off and just getting out of dodge… Since it was the first trip out, we decided to pick a place we could drive to for now. I’ve been to almost every state in the U.S. (And around the world twice – thanks to my 20 years in corporate). Seattle was the one…

  • Attitude,  Challenges,  Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    It’s a Lil Difficult Sometimes…

    I so struggled a bit this week about what to write… (Highly unusual for me.) On the one hand, this is a marketing and launch weekly email where I focus on Marketing, Mindset, and Message. Yet, when the Supreme Court hands down a ruling to take away one of our Constitutional rights, it weighed heavier on me than I realized. it’s hard not to say something about it… AND, I also don’t want to make this into a pulpit for something that could be a hotbed of controversy, which is not what I’m about either… that’s not what you signed up for. How about I compromise… Let’s talk about a…

  • copywriting,  Marketing,  Procrastination

    Cures for the horror of the blank page

    I was doing some research for a book publishing client. One of the projects we’re working on is creating a brand new lead generator, and I’m writing the email follow-up sequence. In my research, I came across this quote from Ernest Hemingway: “Writing at its best can be a lonely life.”(As an aside, I’d highly recommend his memoir – A Movable Feast.) When you’re writing or doing anything creative – you’re spending a lot of time alone with your words and ideas. It can cause some anxiousness, overwhelm, and even writer’s (or creativity) block. It’s real – the anxiety of staring at a blank (or canvas, social media post, and…