• Coaching,  Marketing

    7 Proven Ways Scarcity will Help Close Your Prospects

    “Time is running out, there’s not many left, we’re almost sold out, for a limited time, you better hurry…”  Do any of these phrases sound familiar?  Well, if you’ve ever watched an infomercial , the QVC channel, or know of direct response marketing, you’ll be familiar with all or some of these phrases.   These are key phrases to prompt a prospect to buy your product or service now and not wait. In marketing terms this strategy is called “Scarcity,” and it’s used a lot!  In fact, I want to recommend a book to you. If you don’t have this, stop now and go here and pick up a copy- Robert…

  • Coaching,  Communication,  Dog Marketing,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing,  Taking risks

    Product Launch Disasters, Delayed Planes & Flat Tires

    What do you think these three things have in common?  Well besides the obvious, that we wouldn’t want any of these to happen to us, or wish them upon anyone else… The commonality in these three things, is each of them has happened to me… Thankfully only two of them have happened in one week, the other one occurred many moons ago.  So the two I had happen to me this week are the flat tire and the delayed plane. The ironic part about the delayed plane is not once in my 7 trips I’ve taken this year was I ever delayed or have any issues flying.  So the one…

  • Coaching,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    Missed Product Launch Opportunities or Creating Money-Making Products….

    Hmm, as I sit here in my comfortable laid back office, enjoying this amazing spring type weather in June in Jersey, the dog is sleeping at my feet, and I’m having twinges of second thoughts for having to cancel my trip this week to Jeff Walker’s Platinum Product Launch Mastermind Group. I know, I know, I made my decision and it’s all said and done, but it doesn’t stop those thoughts, you know the ones that just pop in your head to mess you up. Those thoughts driven by the ego to stop you in your tracks… Thank goodness I can recognize them right away now and not pay them…

  • Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    Luck is related to choices….

    This is what Dan Kennedy said to me — “Luck is related to choices…”  This totally made me hunker down and think about this very deep statement.  You see I’ve believed in luck all my life, but I never thought it had anything to do with me and my choices. I always thought that the luck was simply about being in the right place at the right time, or maybe even silly as it seems, because I’m part Irish.  I NEVER thought it was because of something I did. So here was Dan Kennedy, the millionaire maker, telling me over dinner that luck was about choices…  Since that dinner I…

  • Coaching,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    Your Singing Frog Won’t Make You Rich If Nobody Sees It!

    There’s an old cartoon that taught me an interesting lesson. Odds are, you might have seen it a thousand times, but I bet you’ve never watched it as a learning tool for your business! In the cartoon, a man is down and out on his luck. Then, one eventful day, he finds a frog. But this is no ordinary frog… it can sing and dance! The man immediately sees dollar signs and realizes this little green guy will make him rich! So he rents out a theater and puts a sign in front of the building, saying “SINGING FROG!” Well, nobody comes to watch it. So he thinks for a…

  • Coaching,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    The Process of Getting New Clients…

    I wrote this while I was sitting in the President’s Club in Cleveland, on Sunday, waiting for my plane back home to New Jersey.  I was going over all my notes I took from Dan Kennedy & AWAI’s Business of Copywriting Workshop.  As I was looking over my many pages, it struck me that this might make for a good blog this week. The focus of his workshop was on the BUSINESS of Copywriting.  I was at this conference because Dan had asked me to speak.  He thought my story of how I’ve used his principles to grow a really nice direct response marketing, coaching, and consulting business might help…

  • Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    Decide That You Will Succeed & Then Do it!

    Sitting here in Dallas at the Glazer-Kennedy Superconference I’m reminded what success really is… In fact, I just heard Joan Rivers speak and then met her afterwards.  What an inspiring woman. Not only is she funny, she’s also resilient and incredibly successful with her jewelry business. She has the biggest most successful jewelry business on television. The lesson I learned from her today is that she had many failures along the way, and lost her husband (he committed suicide) because of these failures.  What I loved about Joan is that not only is she resilient, she always says a resounding “Yes” to her success. I love this because I’ve actually…

  • Coaching,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    Do You Truly Connect With Your Clients & Prospects?

    One of the biggest mistakes I see in marketing is the idea that advertising is purely a numbers and branding game. If you can get enough people to see your name or your product, you’ll eventually get the sale, right? Wrong. Many companies waste millions of dollars on marketing because they ignore a vital part of the process: Truly Connecting with your clients on a deeper level. I’ll let you in on another one of those marketing secrets that aren’t really a secret… Getting other people to talk about you is much more powerful than anything you can say about yourself. That’s the reason people research a product before they…

  • Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    Success equals: inspiration, perspiration and a little bit of “woo woo….”

    I’m sitting here on vacation in Sedona, don’t yell at me for “working.” The real thing is, writing isn’t work for me at all, I truly love to do it… This is such a spiritual and artistic place, it got me thinking…  That’s when it hit me, I noticed for the first time how long it actually takes for my heart to catch up with my head.  I mean I know stuff, a lot of stuff, I constantly read, go to workshops, conferences, etc.  And then I start hearing the same thing over and over again.  Yet the truly amazing part is sometimes how long it takes from knowing it…

  • Coaching,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs

    What Mark Twain, Cats, and Bad Dining Experiences Can Teach Us About Our Business

    Part of growing up in the south (I grew up in New Orleans) is many people spout quotes from great southern writers like Mark Twain.  My recent travels and experiences have led me to share with you one of my favorite quotes from him (cat lovers will appreciate this) – “If you hold a cat by the tail you learn things you cannot learn any other way.” I love this quote because it sums up a very important fact of life: Education and training is important, but experience can be the best teacher you’ll ever have! In one of my earlier blogs, I talk about how seeing rain beating against…

  • Coaching,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    5 Tips to Maximize Attending Your Next Event

    One way I’ve really been able to boost my business and get more new clients is by attending the same 3 conferences each year. Obviously, there are many other benefits of attending conferences, which I will soon reveal to you.  The real key is that conferences are a great tool for networking and finding new business.  Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself to people around you. It is always hard to take that first step but if you are like me, there is always someone that catches my attention and I really would like to talk to that person and ask them a question or two so just do it!…

  • Coaching,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    Don’t Give Up Before the Miracle – Geaux Saints!

    Another one of my favorite quotes from my amazing coach, Ms. Debbie Phillips (www.debbiephillips.com) – “Don’t give up before the miracle!” This quote has been around the corner whenever I needed or didn’t even know I needed it.  Funny how that happens, things enter our consciousness and our awareness usually when it’s something we need right then. (My second favorite quote is “Life is a series of thousands of tiny miracles,” Mike Greenberg.) I’m going to tell you something that I haven’t told anyone… I almost gave up, almost threw in the towel on my business.  It was 4 years ago. I had started my new direct response marketing business…

  • Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    Copy writing is King in Business

    It was only 7 years ago that I was in corporate America and my job as Director of Corporate Communications was going swimmingly well. Not only did I create the new department and run it, I was also in charge of all of our employee communications publications.  I never really thought of myself as a writer and certainly never had any dreams or aspirations to be an author or writer.  However I had been writing most of my life, albeit in a daily journey, it was still writing none-the-less. It wasn’t until this position, where I was called upon to write on a daily basis that I truly “got” what…

  • Coaching,  Entrepreneurs

    Quick Refresher on Setting Your Goals for 2010

    I love the first few weeks of January. The weather outside is cold and somewhat frightful. The days are short and the trees are bare. The holidays are over and it’s time to start planning another amazing prosperous year. A time to think about the whole year ahead of us!  What are your plans for 2010? The sky is the limit for the year.  The real fun is realizing that and figuring out your goals, writing them down and then working on creating a plan to match those goals for the year.  Do you know that most people get tripped up because they short change themselves and don’t think big…

  • Coaching,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    Some Tips For a Stress Free Holiday…

    As I’m writing this, I just finished making yet another batch of Christmas cookies.  Then I had to hurry up and get cracking on this blog or you wouldn’t be reading it right now! For me there’s always a love-loathe relationship with this time of year. I love the holidays because there are so many fun traditions, time to spend with family, friends, great food and wonderful holiday treats.  The loathe part, or rather the dislike part comes in with the stress of shopping, buying and wrapping presents, plus writing and mailing cards, making of cookies,  and on and on… The good news is my holidays are so much better…