• Coaching,  Communication,  Dog Marketing,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    The Real Secret to Being Incredibly Successful Selling Online

    I was debating back and forth whether to write about this or not because the “real” secret to being incredibly successful selling online is that it’s really NOT a secret at all!  In fact, everyone who sells online inherently knows this so called “secret,” but the real challenge is in creating it and making it happen.  So are you ready? Here’s the secret – The real trick to being very successful in selling online is building a relationship with your prospect and customer.  That’s it.  This is the key, to create and connect on an emotional level with your prospects and customers.  And not only connecting with them, but diving deeper into…

  • Coaching,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    How You Can Get More Clients Now, In Any Economy…

    Aren’t we supposed to be in a recession this year?  If so, please tell me why I’m having the best year yet in my business?  Why is my business booming and other businesses are not?  This is a huge question and guess what?  I do have some very important answers for you, answers that you might want to take note of and even do some of these things in your business –  start now.  What I’m going to reveal to you really works, and I know they work because they’ve worked for me and my clients and countless others I’ve learned them from, so here we go, get ready to…

  • Marketing

    5 Proven Ways to “Boost” Your Response From Your Marketing Efforts

    While driving back in the pouring rain from Mike Capuzzi’s Response Boosting Workshop in Philadelphia, it dawned on me that the pounding rain on my windshield was much like all the ads I get bombarded with each and every day online and offline.  (The fact that my windshield wiper blade broke in mid-trip didn’t really help me see better either! Good thing Philadelphia is only 90 minutes from my house.)  It was a fantastic thing, to attend Mike’s workshop. Because I left there with boatloads of information on how to increase my response rate for my marketing. Since we are being bombarded by ads each and every day, much like…

  • Productivity,  To Do List

    Planning Promotes Perfect Performance…

    Have you ever heard this phrase before: “Planning Promotes Perfect Performance!” ? I’ve heard this many times from my inspiring and wonderful Executive Coach, Debbie Phillips.  Back in my Corporate America days, when I was the Director of Corporate Communications and we did many employee events, it was always incredibly stressful. And when I had my calls with Debbie, she would always remind me of the 4 P’s of planning – Planning Promotes Perfect Performance.  Because once you have your plan, the rest will simply fall into place, albeit sometimes you need to have a good team in place to help. Yet sometimes the team is just you, so planning…

  • Coaching,  Communication,  Dog Marketing,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    What My Chestnut Chasing Dog Taught Me About Implementation & Getting More Done!

    It’s fall here in New Jersey and I know that not only because there’s a little chill in the air and the leaves are just now starting to change… I know because now when I go to South Mountain Reservation and walk my rescue dog Lily, she chases after all the chestnuts falling from the trees.  The whole scene is actually quite comical, albeit sometimes a little frustrating.  We get a pretty good pace going, then all of sudden we come across this huge patch of several hundred chestnuts on the ground and more falling. (In fact, I have to be careful and often dodge those falling from the trees…

  • Coaching,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    Is resistance the “real” dream killer?

    Much debate goes on about what kills dreams these days, and of course there are many things.  But, how many of these things can be directly attributed to the person themselves?  What I mean is, instead of blaming the world, money, people, competition and everything outside of us, why not look within us first. I just finished this book, The War of Art, Break Through The Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles by Steven Pressfield. It was given to me at a Dan Kennedy workshop called the 7 Figure Academy.  The sole focus of this workshop was on the 7 ways to take your 6 figure business to 7…

  • Coaching,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs

    How Bowling Helped Me Be A Better Entrepreneur…

    The number of times I’ve gone bowling at an actual bowling alley could be counted on both hands.  I went a couple of times when I lived in New Orleans (I grew up there until I moved away after going to LSU for college.) they had this great place called the Mid-City Lanes Rock-N-Bowl on the corner of Carrolton and Tulane.  It was this great old bowling alley that was up these really steep stairs and it wasn’t just bowling.  They had great Louisiana cuisine, (gumbo, crawfish etouffee, po-boys, etc.) and they had live local bands playing while you bowled.  It was so much fun, having a beer, eating great…

  • Coaching,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    Why How People Learn is Crucial to Your Business

    In my printed newsletter from July, (If you’re not getting my FREE printed monthly newsletter, click here to sign up!) I promised you that I’d  explain the 4 Top Secret Ways in which people learn and why these are crucial to your business. Eben Pagan introduced me to these learning styles at his Guru Workshop in LA, and he got these from Dr.  Wyatt Woodsmall.  He’s a certified master trainer and master modeler in NLP and has over 25 years experience in behavior modeling and training. Discovering these styles was a fascinating revelation to me, not only because we all learn differently, but the fact that we can then use these…

  • Coaching,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    How to Fuel and Grow Your Business with Your Mistakes

    Have you ever sent out an email to a bunch of folks and later found out that there was an egregious typo, or maybe you got a fact wrong, or maybe you forgot a word, or had a wrong date and on an on?  The worst of it is that you didn’t find it, that one of your prospects, or maybe it was one of your clients took time out to tell you about your error. Well I can tell you from going through this experience more than once, it’s no fun making mistakes, simple ones like typos in your advertising, or in your email, and even more complex ones…

  • Coaching,  Communication,  Marketing,  Technology

    What is Information Marketing?

    Have you ever heard of the information marketing business? It’s a fascinating space that I stumbled upon three years ago. It’s really an interesting niche market, filled with people who sell information. This isn’t any old information though. Most of these folks are amazing experts in their field and hence have created products, courses, newsletters, and membership sites to share with their clients and prospects. Why do these people get into the Information Marketing business? There are several reasons, other than the obvious one which is making a lot of money. Here are some key reasons to get into this business: 1) You don’t really need a staff in this…

  • Coaching,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs

    Life is Simply Made up of Many Transitions…

    I will never forget that particular day in February,  many years ago, when I received the call that my sister was on her way to the hospital because she was going to have her first baby.  This was big news in our family, mainly because she was the first sibling to have a baby. It was doubly exciting for me because I was going to be an aunt and she had asked me to be the baby’s godparent. I was awed and taken aback, sounded like a big responsibility, yet I was thrilled and jumped in with both feet as I always do. The christening was about 6 weeks later, so I booked my…

  • Coaching,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    7 Secrets to Surviving Being Let Go From Your Job…

    This seems to be the hot topic – what to do when you get laid off from your job? It’s unfortunately affecting hundreds, if not thousands of people, right now as I write.  And this is no time to jump for joy or make light of your situation. In fact, I hope that I can help you with offering you my own words of wisdom by revealing my 7 secrets to how I was able to survive being let go from my job.  This is where I have the honor of being brutally honest with you because, I not only was let go from my corporate job once, but I…

  • Coaching,  Marketing

    Conferences – Love Them or Loathe them

    I have had the pleasure of attending various conferences a year for the past several years. I know what you are thinking – conferences yes they are fun, great place to network and even learn some new tools to help your business. BUT, they take up so much time and all the hassles of traveling… Yes, they do have good points and as I like to think, challenging points. However, I want you to think of conferences from another point of view: How I can maximize my investment? How can I take conferences one step further and enhance my business? I have put together 12 secrets to achieving much more…

  • Coaching,  Communication,  Marketing

    Successful Keys to Productivity

    How can you be more productive? There are so many ways to increase your productivity. Which one to choose? Hmmm… What’s interesting to me, is my first job out of college was working in sales, out of my house. And I ended up doing that for about 10 years before I even entered an office building. I discovered some interesting things about myself and how I work. One thing: I really like my freedom of time and doing what I need to do on my own terms. And two: I’m much more productive and creative late at night. Now, these two things make it quite interesting and creative when working…

  • Coaching,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    What’s my secret? Are you up for the challenge?

    I get asked this question a lot – “What’s your secret to marketing implementation and getting so much accomplished for yourself and your clients?” I love this question because it really gets to the heart of people’s frustrations on getting things done, whether it’s finishing writing a book, or article, or creating a new product or service. Let’s face it, taking action can be challenging and sometimes even frustrating, I know, I’ve been there struggling myself, many times. So, what’s my secret? Well, first it’s creating my plan of action. What is it I’m trying to accomplish? Is it creating a product, writing a book, or maybe launching a product?…