• Perfect Non Sales Formula
    Clients & Customers,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing,  Prospects

    The Perfect “Non-Sales Formula” for 1 hr Free Coaching/Consulting Call

    Do you ever use 15-minute, 30-minute, or 60-minute complimentary calls to get potential clients/customers to work with you or invest in your coaching program, membership, etc.? If you answered yes, this email will give you another perspective on these calls that will help you close more of these calls in the future. Yet, it’s not what you think… If you don’t use complementary calls for potential clients, what I’m about to share with you will help with your future connections with potential (or current) clients/customers. Please keep reading.  It all started on a podcast. I had the absolute pleasure of being on a podcast for a private copywriting group. I…

  • copywriting,  Marketing

    What are you really selling?

    Have you ever had the experience of trying to learn a new concept, or maybe do some calculations in Excel, or trying to learn a new sport? How did it go? Was it easy to get started? Or were you frustrated as hell and wished you could learn it faster? The “frustrated as hell” part, well, this is how I feel when I’m trying to write and create a story. It absolutely takes me back to my days when I was a freshman in high school, and I absolutely hated algebra. I mean, to the point where I felt incredibly stupid. All my friends and other students in the class…

  • Attitude,  Balance,  Challenges,  Coaching,  Motivation,  Overcoming Obstacles

    Lessons In Being Grateful

    One of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life was to walk away from corporate America. To be honest, it was corporate America that walked away from me first.  So what happened? The company I had put my life into for over ten years decided to make my Director of Corporate Communications position redundant. So I was floundering around for almost a year trying to get another job in a company because that’s what I was SUPPOSED to do.  Working for myself was out of the question. I needed to have that big paycheck and health insurance. It was 2005. I was in a relationship. We had a child…

  • Entrepreneurs,  Marketing,  Outcome,  Overcoming Obstacles

    Marketing concepts that will get you elected ;-)

    The day after the presidential election used to be a day where you’d wake up and know who was elected president. Hmmmmm this is a bit unsettling Because of the pandemic and this crazy electoral college, we’re in limbo as to who won. Even though Trump declares himself the winner, which is part of who he really is and his brand. No matter what your politics are or who you voted for, instead of getting caught up in the madness of it all, I decided to share some marketing lessons Trump used to get elected in the first place. I’m taking a marketing tactic I learned from Dan Kennedy –…

  • Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Productivity,  Technology

    5 Must-Have Tools for Successful Entrepreneurs

    During these bizarre times of COVID-19, I started looking at all the tools I use that help me be more successful (and productive), it really only boiled down to 5. I thought it might be helpful to share them with you, especially because all these tools just happen to be tech tools. And a lot of us are now confined to working from home, with the exception of me, I’ve always worked from home since I own my own business. (And FYI – I’m a Mac person – former PC user.) And hopefully, you know some of these, if not all of them, and maybe even using some! 1) Evernote…

  • Attitude,  Balance,  Blogging,  Challenges,  Clients & Customers,  Coaching,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Goals,  Implementation,  Marketing,  Motivation,  Overcoming Obstacles,  Procrastination,  Productivity,  Taking risks,  To Do List

    The Productivity Secret That Will Change Your Life

    One of the things I’m constantly struggling with: my plate is incredibly full. I just have way TOO many things on that proverbial plate and it’s constantly weighing me down. I’m a Strategic Marketer & Product Launch Manager, I help people get things done, and here I am, revealing to you my own challenges with getting things done.  Well, I’ve actually invested good money with experts to help me “organize” my office, my computer, and my life, as well as I got a new desk, bookshelves, and on an on. The interesting thing is after that expert gave me this “system” it wasn’t mine. So I had great difficulty in…

  • Marketing,  Product Launches

    What in the world IS a product launch anyway…

    Well, I’m writing this from 36k feet in the sky, heading to Arizona to attend Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula event and we also have our Product Launch Manager Platinum Coaching Group meeting.  The interesting thing when I fly is I often get asked the question of what I do.  And when I tell them I work with entrepreneurs and business owners to create information products and do their online product launches, they always ask me, “What is a product launch?” and they want to know more about them. So I thought this might make for an interesting blog post.  A product launch is an advertising event that promotes a…

  • Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing,  Product Launches

    The 3 Most Horrible Product Launch Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make and How You Can Avoid them!

    Back in 2007 when I met Jeff Walker at his first ever PLF  (Product Launch Formula) event in Denver, Colorado, I was amazed at what he’d done to make money with his products by turning his selling of them into a value added, value laden, fun and entertaining  “event.”  He actually created a product about these launch events and called it “Product Launch Formula.” I’ve been doing tons of product launches for my clients since then, and I’ve amassed a ton of information on how to be successful with your launches. I’ve also amassed just as much info on what not to do so your launches don’t turn into flops…

  • Balance,  Blogging,  Clients & Customers,  Coaching,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Goals,  Implementation,  Motivation,  New Year,  Procrastination,  Productivity,  Risk,  Taking risks,  To Do List,  Website

    5 Goals to Achieve This Year

    If you’re up for it — I am going to push the envelope a little today and actually give you five goals to try to achieve by the end of the year. Remember you are never going to know if you are capable of something if you don’t take that first step. 1. Go small This may be a big one to start with but here goes-Downsize.  Look at all aspects of your business whether that includes employees, vendors or service providers.  If you find that there is a way for ONE provider to handle multiple jobs than cut back.  This may sound strange but sometimes less is more when…

  • Implementation,  Marketing,  Product Launches,  Survey Tips & Techniques

    Here’s How to Get a HUGE Jump on Creating an Amazing Year in Your Business…

    At any time of the year, it’s important for one to stop and take a look and access your year: where you are or aren’t in your business? Do you like what you see? What issues are raising your anxiety level? How is your bottom line? Have you achieved all the goals you set in January? If not, then why? Now these questions can cause a lot of emotional pain and angst but they don’t have to. Why not see them as opportunities instead? And as an opportunity these exact issues could bring you more money in the bank. And who doesn’t need this? So how can you turn these issues into opportunities and get…

  • Blogging,  Clients & Customers,  Coaching,  Communication,  Implementation,  Marketing,  Motivation,  Procrastination,  Productivity,  Risk,  Taking risks,  To Do List

    How to Take Bigger Risks This Year

    Something fascinating happened to me a few years ago that was worth repeating. I had this experience that totally changed my perspective on how I would think and do things in my business and my personal life. Here’s what happened— I had decided to go to the DMV, yes everyone’s favorite place to make jokes about.  I had been putting it off for almost a year and I had to finally deal with getting a new title. I actually wanted to cross if off my to-do list!  (I had paid off my car loan—yeah, and needed to get the lien holder name off my car title.) I had a phone…

  • Attitude,  Clients & Customers,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing,  Prospects

    Never Ever Cold Call Again to Get New Clients!

    Something I learned over 6 years ago from “the Millionaire Maker” Dan Kennedy is that in order for you not to do cold calls, and to not be stressing out where your money will come from each month— you need to create a “lead generation funnel.” I not only learned it from him, but I also shared the stage with him where he asked me to share the strategies I used to help grow my business here are a few of them below. What you need to pay real attention to is that After I did that, created and implemented those strategies… I never had to worry about getting any…

  • Attitude,  Challenges,  Entrepreneurs

    We Got This! Inspiring Resources to Help With After the Election & Beyond

    Wow, wow, wow, who knew the election of 2016 would go down as an infamous one in our nations’ history?!  This won’t be a bashing of either side of the aisle, as I believe there’s much finger pointing going on already and it truly is not helping. I’m writing this to share a how we totally got this and we need to use this to come together. Because I think this election serves something even bigger and greater.  It’s a huge wake-up call that we can’t keep doing “business as usual” as a nation any longer. When you look back at our history, great change happened because of huge adversity…

  • Balance,  Coaching,  Dog Marketing,  Implementation

    What My Chestnut Chasing Dog Taught Me About Implementation & Getting More Done!

    It’s fall here in Virginia and I know that not only because there’s a little chill in the air, and … I know because now when I got to hiking with my rescue dog Lily, she chases after all the chestnuts falling from the trees.  The whole scene is actually quite comical, albeit sometimes a little frustrating.  We get a pretty good pace going, then all of sudden we come across this huge patch of several hundred chestnuts on the ground and more falling. (In fact, I have to be careful and often dodge those falling from the trees or they get me right on the old noggin.) As soon as Lily sees…

  • Challenges,  Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    The Secret Mysteries of Entrepreneurship

    This journey of entrepreneurship has been a fascinating 9 years.  One with many amazing rides, bumps in the road, flies on the windshield, savory and also loving adventuress moments.  I wouldn’t trade it for anything… What I have discovered from this journey of the past 3 years, are some amazing entrepreneurial secrets that I wanted to share with you.  It all started after my father passed away and the spiral upward and downward consumed me. From ending a 12 year relationship and being single again. To Finally realizing I was no longer being served by living in the northeast any longer. I was not and never will be a Jersey…