• Challenges,  Clients & Customers,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    The psychology behind getting you to buy stuff…

    I’m constantly curious about what tactics companies use to get me to buy their stuff. And believe me; there are some that do some very interesting manipulative maneuvers… So what exactly is the “Psychology behind getting you to buy stuff?” As you may know – people buy on emotion, then they rationalize their purchase afterward. Or they feel remorse and may end up returning it. Either way, there is a process that’s baked in psychology that fuels the sale. It’s about companies using hype language, browbeating you with fear, deadlines, discount popups, and flashing buy now buttons on their sites, or you will lose out on the deal of a lifetime.…

  • Entrepreneurs,  Marketing,  Technology,  Website

    Best conversion tips for your website

    A few weeks ago, I had a colleague reach out to me and wanted my thoughts on a new website that she had just launched for her mom’s business. I always find it curious and fascinating to look at new websites. Especially when it’s someone I know, and I have a bit of a backstory. I’m always happy to look at people’s websites because I can give some actionable feedback after looking at the home page for only 1 – 2 minutes. (As an aside, if you ever want me to look at your site, schedule a complimentary call with me, and I will give you some actionable feedback on it.) Creating a website…

  • A puzzling perspective
    Challenges,  Overcoming Obstacles,  Procrastination,  Productivity

    A Puzzling Perspective

    I’ve not ever been a person who liked to do puzzles. I didn’t understand what drew people to put a picture together that was in pieces… It just never made sense to me. Until I met my spouse, who came from a family that, on Sundays, would have popcorn and apples, and they’d all do a puzzle together. Since we’ve been together, she’s always had a puzzle on the dining room table. It was a few years in that I noticed how enthralled she’d get doing them. And some pieces would wind up on the floor, the dog would get it, and I’d find it half chewed and have to bring…

  • Challenges,  Clients & Customers,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing,  Outcome,  Product Launches

    The launch that simply wasn’t

    Have you ever launched a course, product, or service and felt like you worked your tail off, and then the big day came……and it was crickets? A few trickles of sales came in, yet overall, it was a bit of a disappointment. Well, this happens way more than you think. The reality is there are SO MANY VARIABLES you have to get right to create a significant amount of sales for a launch. Most experts don’t tell you that you’re more than likely to bomb on your first and even second launch. This is why, as a soulful marketer, I always want to be honest and give the truth about what…

  • Alchemy,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Mystery

    What do Edgar Cayce, St. Anthony & My Garbage – all have in common?

    And just like that, January is taking its bow and next week is “hello February.” Did January go by as fast for you or is it just me? Not only did it feel like I blinked but next week is February… There was an interesting phenomenon that happened that prompted me to write my curious subject to this email:“What do Edgar Cayce, St. Anthony & My Garbage – all have in common?” I read one of the best books on Discovering Your Soul’s Purpose by Mark Thurston. I mentioned him in an email back in December. I’ve been a bit behind in writing my book reviews. My issue is I’ve read so many books…

  • Clients & Customers,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Implementation,  Marketing,  Motivation,  Outcome,  Product Launches,  Prospects

    The Final Fridge Adventure (Part 2)

    Last week I shared with you part 1 of my spouse and I’s fridge adventure. I shared with you some insights into the first two appliance stores we perused. And I gave you some takeaways of what to do and not do when it comes to your business and attracting clients. You can access it here. In this blog post, I want to tell you about the third place we visited to peruse refrigerators. It was a very different experience. This store was more of an upscale local appliance store. We bought our washer and dryer there, so we knew they were reasonably top-notch. And we like supporting our local businesses. As soon…

  • Challenges,  Clients & Customers,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Goals,  Implementation,  Marketing,  New Year,  Overcoming Obstacles,  Prospects,  Questions

    The fascinating adventures of Refrigerator Shopping… (Part 1)

    It’s the beginning of 2023, and for me, it’s been a bit of a rocky start – with my New Year’s Eve CVD positive test, the cyclone rain bombs (and it’s still raining btw). And, finally, getting my Mom on a plane home… It was the best of times and the worse of times… 😉 I’m doing as much self-care as I can and focusing on what I’m grateful for… And one of those things is you! That’s why I wanted to share with you my spouse and I’s fascinating adventure of shopping for a refrigerator. I promise there will be some interesting lessons that will apply to your business.…

  • Balance,  Challenges,  Goals,  Implementation,  Motivation,  New Year,  Productivity

    Jumpstart your vision, best laid plans, and cosmic jokes…

    Happy January 2023! How are you feeling? The first couple of weeks of January always feels like a bit of a blur to me. All the anticipation, shopping, presents, and prep for the holidays and New Year’s leaves me spinning. So at the beginning of the month, I always try to take it slow. It’s kind of nice to ease into the New Year. Especially this year for me because the holidays were not at all how I envisioned or planned them. It felt more like a cosmic joke filled with everyone getting some type of illness, from the C virus (Spam filters won’t let me spell it out –…

  • Attitude,  Goals,  Implementation,  Motivation,  New Year,  Overcoming Obstacles

    It’s about the little things…

    When I recently presented to a group of 17 people about how to create your intention and vision for the New Year, I got some feedback that totally blew me away. Not because it was about me or my teaching. 🙂 Their comments about this exercise blew me away because I thought everyone knew these types of concepts. In my presentation, I mainly wanted to get everyone connecting together and answer some questions as a type of assessment for this year. I learned this exercise from my amazing coaches – Debbie Phillips and Rob Berkley, and I have done this process for 12 years. It’s called The Great Start Program. I don’t believe in…

  • Alchemy,  Attitude,  Balance,  Challenges,  Goals,  Implementation,  Motivation,  New Year,  Overcoming Obstacles

    “Change is good,” she said…

    Have you ever had something happen that you weren’t expecting and just turned your life upside down? Such as losing a big client, getting injured, getting sick, or maybe something happened to a family member. One thing I know — change is just hard, and actually, I’d dare to say, in all honesty – change just sucks… When things happen, you share it with your close circle of supportive people, right? So when I did, that’s when she said — “Change is good.” And then rattled on why… Well, depending on where you are in the process of acceptance, you may want to hug or throttle that person like I…

  • copywriting,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing,  Prospects

    My Best Soulful Holiday Marketing Tips

    Earlier this week, I was on the phone with a client who said – “I cringe when I think about creating and sending out an email where I’m selling something this holiday.” She’s someone that just doesn’t like marketing or selling. That’s one of the many reasons why we’re working together. I totally get it when I tell folks what I do, and their immediate response is, “Oh wow, let’s connect cuz I definitely don’t like marketing and would love your help.” If you’re someone who’s just not into marketing or wants to be guided and learn a bit about how it can help your business – I’m here for you.…

  • Challenges,  Entrepreneurs,  Goals,  Implementation,  Motivation,  New Year,  Overcoming Obstacles,  Questions

    This one question could make or break your business…

    As an entrepreneur, I know how hard you work at and on your business. Sometimes it can be grueling and stressful, especially if you do it alone. And even if you have some help, it still can be exhausting and challenging. It’s mainly up to you to create a successful business and make money that will keep it running for many years. This brings me to the one question that could make or break your business… Before I ask you, I want you to think back to when you made the decision to start your business and make a go at being your own boss. What was the impetus that…

  • Attitude,  Challenges,  Overcoming Obstacles

    Being grateful… Something a little deeper

    One of the hardest things I ever had to learn (and who am I kidding – still learning…) is when you’re suffering from grief or a loss… How do you turn it around and get to a place of being grateful for the life lesson? What’s not helpful is to try to shove it under the proverbial rug, take a substance to forget about it, and try to shove it down and not feel it. Years ago, before I got into recovery, I remember telling a good friend that I wished we didn’t have feelings. That all they’ve caused me was great sorrow and havoc in my life. That it would…

  • Attitude,  Challenges,  Implementation,  Motivation,  Overcoming Obstacles

    If only – a personal heartbreaking journey

    My spouse Alice and I listened to Brene Brown’s Atlas of the Heart audiobook as we drove home from being away in Lake Tahoe for a week. And aside, I love listening to her books because it feels like a more intimate experience. She always adds extra stuff and talks to you like you’re in her kitchen over coffee. And repeats important phrases… (I will be doing a review of this book in the coming weeks.) While listening to her book, it sparked some interesting conversations, one of which was around the phrase “If only.” And another was one my Dad always said I needed to stop my “what ifing” myself… It got…

  • Balance,  Clients & Customers,  Communication,  copywriting,  Marketing

    Have You Dropped This Ball?

    A few weeks back, I shared a story about our smoke alarms going off in the middle of the night. It prompted me to ask you, is there anything that’s beeping at you in your business that’s keeping you up at night? I had some terrific responses, and wanted to share one from Martie McNab, Show&Tales, who took this concept in a direction that I thought was worthwhile exploring in today’s email. She said, “…if we market our business like those fire alarms – infrequently, sporadically, and in the middle of the night, we won’t be known, liked, or remembered.” In the initial stages, when I interview potential dream prospects, this…