• Coaching,  copywriting,  Entrepreneurs,  Implementation,  Motivation,  Outcome,  Overcoming Obstacles,  Risk,  Taking risks

    I Did Something a Little Crazy

    Have you ever stepped out of your comfort zone and done something a little crazy, or maybe out of your ordinary routine, or stretched your beliefs? Well, that’s what I did last week. I bought a course for $6,000. Ummmm, yeah, a little out there for me cuz I’ve not ever spent that amount of money on a course before. I’ve spent upwards of $25k on a year-long mastermind, and I’ve also spent $5k for a 3-day weekend training. And, I’ve spent $12k a year to be in Brian Kurtz’s Masterclass, which was like a mastermind, where we met three times a year in person. (Yeah, before the pandemic.) Plus,…

  • Attitude,  Challenges,  Coaching,  Motivation,  Overcoming Obstacles,  Risk

    It’s Time to Make Peace With This…

    Being on this planet for 50+ years, I feel like I’ve done a lot, seen a lot, and experienced a lot. Yet other times, I feel like such a newbie. Do you ever have that feeling? When it comes to Thanksgiving, several things come to mind. I mean, I have seen my fair share of this holiday. Yet, why must I do the same thing every year? Hmmmm it got me thinking… In fact, on my walk today, I was reminiscing about my favorite Thanksgiving – the one right after my 12-year relationship ended and Debbie Phillips (Founder WomenOnFire.com) and Rob Berkley invited me to spend the holiday in Martha’s…

  • Attitude,  Entrepreneurs,  Goals,  Motivation,  Productivity

    Best productivity secret I’ve used for over 10 years…

    How’s your end-of-the-year “things you want to accomplish list” coming along? You know the one I talked about last week… And if you’ve decided you’ve done enough this year and you need a break – good on ya – that’s cool. If you’ve got your list and getting things accomplished, I’m thrilled for you. And if you’re anything like me, it’s been a bit more of a struggle. I’m letting too many things distract me. So I’ve upped my productivity game and doubled down on the strategy that never fails me – it’s called the Ivy Lee 6 method. Have you ever heard of it? It’s been keeping me organized…

  • Challenges,  Clients & Customers,  Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing,  Procrastination,  Productivity,  To Do List

    Time keeps on Ticking, Ticking, Ticking Into the Future…

    If you’re anywhere near my age group, you’re gonna recognize the lyrics I ripped my headline off from – and just to refresh your memory – the real lyrics are “Time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping into the future… the song was “Fly Like An Eagle” by The Steve Miller Band. Why in the world am I starting off with some crazy lyrics from the 1970s? (By the way, I was only a mere middle school child then.) The reason is, (gasp) we have less than seven weeks before this year is done, complete, finished – over. That’s why I want to ask – what can you (or if you…

  • copywriting,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing,  Product Launches,  Website

    How Sophisticated Are You and Your Clients? (Part 3)

    When I first started out in online marketing, it never occurred to me to even remotely think or care about my client’s sophistication level when it came to my courses or services. There were way too many other things that sucked up my time – like – how to get new clients and start making money! Besides, how in the world does knowing WHAT my dream client’s sophistication level is, have anything to do with selling them something? I thought sophistication levels were only important when ordering wine, managing money, buying real estate, or dealing with technology. 😉 So if it never occurred to you to look at your dream…

  • Clients & Customers,  copywriting,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    Understanding This One Concept Could Change the Way You Do Your Marketing…(Part 2)

    I had this feeling wash over me this morning while I was writing this post… It was of wonderment and even hilarity about all the idea lightbulbs going off in my brain. The more I read and study about marketing and copy. The more my understanding grows deeper. Earlier, I’d had my head buried in a couple of books – E5 Method by Todd Brown and The Story Factor by Annette Simmons. As I was pondering the many popcorn thoughts running through my brain while I was trying to write, it stopped on this thought of a long-overused metaphor my therapist back in the day used to tell me… This moment felt like that – whenever I’d have a…

  • Attitude,  Balance,  Clients & Customers,  Coaching,  Communication,  copywriting

    Journey into the Human Psyche (Part 1)

    Have you ever had a moment where you read something, watched something, or maybe a friend told you about something that totally grabbed your curiosity, and you had to dig deeper to discover more? Well, that’s where I’ve been these past several days… Ever since I started reading True Believer by Eric Hoffer, this journey into the human psyche has really got me incredibly curious. The fun part is my spouse Ally is just as fascinated by the human psyche. Usually, before she heads off to the hospital, we always have our coffee and talk. Lately, we’ve been reading aloud from True Believer and having some insightful conversations. (I do love being with someone…

  • Clients & Customers,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    Are You Focusing on Transformation or Transactions?

    This past week has been a bit of a learning whirlwind – And I need to share something a little personal…Besides the fact that I’m a learnaholic (and love sharing what I’m learning), I’m an avid reader. The thing that’s a little personal is that I’m not your average reader, and I actually don’t read a lot of fiction, mostly nonfiction. And I read about 5 or 6 books at once (sometimes more!). I know, kind of crazy. And the cool thing about it is that usually the 5 or 6 books I’m reading are all related to each other, not purposefully. Most aren’t even the same subject. Yet, they all feed…

  • Clients & Customers,  Marketing,  Media,  Product Launches,  Prospects

    Not one of my usual posts – this is a little different…

    Do you ever feel like your messaging in your business is falling on deaf ears?  Or maybe you feel like the market you’re in is just way too crowded, and you’re frustrated because your messaging just isn’t getting through because of all the competition? I know how it can be really frustrating to market yourself in a very crowded online world. That’s why today, as promised from last week – I want to share how The Ad Girls (Jennifer Spivak and Courtney Tarrant) created a million-dollar funnel with this incredibly simple Facebook ad sequence. The information in this email was a presentation that Jennifer did at the Traffic and Conversion…

  • Clients & Customers,  Communication,  copywriting,  Marketing,  Prospects,  Uncategorized

    Confessions, Word Choices, & Websites

    This is a little out there and something I noticed this morning when I was doing my morning reading. (I read at least 30 minutes every morning to stimulate my brain. Remember, I’m a learnaholic, so this fuels me and my day. 🙂 When I was reading, I noticed how this writer used the word “but” a lot. I mean, “but” is an ok word yet in my somewhat limited grammar experience, (Grammarly.com is my friend.) ”but” is a conjunction (i.e., a linking word) that’s used to introduce a contrast. So it always negates what comes before it. (Yeah, I did have to look that up to get the right…

  • Clients & Customers,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    It’s Here – The “Frunk” and I Want One!

    Thanks for all the comments on this post – wow.  I need to share something with you. I’m gonna be transparent about that post.  When I wrote it, I was in a rush to get it out. And when I reread it my critical voice said “umm, it’s ok, it will pass, but it’s not your best work you know…”  And on and on that voice in my head went.  Good thing I sent the post out anyway! So I’m thinking I need to give that voice a sabbatical and keep on writing to you! (Hope that works! 😉 This week – I want to share with you some really…

  • Clients & Customers,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing,  Prospects,  Uncategorized

    Go Big or Go Home

    Finally, I was able to get out of town. (I just got back last night!) Sheesh, with all the flaring up of the pandemic again, I was second-guessing my trip. Yet, I honestly just wanted to get out of town. I had registered for the Traffic & Conversion (T&C) Summit, which I used to go to every year. I slacked off in 2019, and of course, they didn’t have it in 2020. In 2019, I attended at least six different events. So I knew that this was the only event I would attend this year with what was happening with the pandemic. That’s when I made the all-important decision that…

  • Entrepreneurs,  Marketing,  Technology

    Drones, Organic vs. Natural, & a Secret Mac Trick

    This week I’m venturing into a smattering of cool things I’ve discovered that I thought it’d be fun to share with you. Plus, I really do love to share interesting things I’m learning, resources, or just some fun stuff. I learned about these three things from the three newsletters that I get in my inbox every day. I’ve talked about one of them already The Hustle . The other two are – Morning Brew and Stacked Marketer. I highly recommend them all. Check them out and see for yourself. Oh, and they are all free too! My favorite is The Hustle, though, cuz I can pick and choose my content…

  • copywriting,  Marketing,  Product Launches

    The Naked Truth – A Parable

    I want to share a story with you: “Truth, naked and cold, had been turned away from every door in the village. Her nakedness frightened the people. When Parable found her, she was huddled in a corner, shivering and hungry. Taking pity on her, Parable gathered her up and took her home. There, she dressed Truth in story, warmed her, and sent her out again. Clothed in story, Truth knocked again at the doors and was readily welcomed into the villagers’ houses. They invited her to eat at their tables and warm herself by their fires. — Jewish Teaching Story” I found out that this story has been told and…